Nga Tūmanakotanga

Research team

Dr Armon Tamatea – Project Lead
School of Psychology
University of Waikato

Professor Randolph Grace
School of Psychology, Speech and Hearing
University of Canterbury

Professor Michael Daffern
School of Health Sciences
Swinburne University

Assistant Professor Robert Henry
College of Arts and Science
Saskatchewan University

Renae Dixon
School of Psychology
University of Waikato

Professor Devon Polaschek
School of Psychology
University of Waikato

Dr Lars Brabyn
School of Social Science
University of Waikato

Professor Andrew Day
School of Social and Political Sciences
University of Melbourne

David Cooke
Consultant Forensic Clinical Psychology

Governance Committee

The Nga Tūmanakotanga research project honours and is guided by the Treaty of Waitangi to take responsibility for the inclusion and protection of data provided by Māori knowledge holders. Indeed, the genesis of this project emerged from conversations between the principal investigator and other key Māori personnel within the Dept of Corrections and associated services going back to the mid 2000s. The Nga Tūmanakotanga research team Governance Group is convened during key planning and delivery phases of the project, especially those elements that have a focus on Māori populations in New Zealand prisons (including staff, management, and whanau). The Group assist the team to ensure that projects engaging Māori participants are conducted with consideration and respect. The Governance Group was established to provide suggestions and feedback to project staff about the initial project plan and evolving project, specifically:

● to provide a forum for the discussion of key issues pertaining to project materials, methods and outputs that are relevant to participants and consonant with Māori philosophies of care, and the prison community as a whole;

● to provide advice on the cultural appropriateness of project outputs related to Māori peoples, and;

● to provide advice on the planning and operational elements of the project.

All published academic work explicitly analysing data provided by the governance group is circulated to members as part of a voluntary peer review process. The governance group is kept informed about the dissemination of findings of Nga Tūmanakotanga  projects. Membership of this group consists of:

Neil Campbell                               

General Manager, Cultural Capability

Department of Corrections

Ben Clark

National Commissioner Corrections Services

Department of Corrections

Linda Nikora

Professor of Indigenous Studies

Auckland University

Harry Tam


H2R Research and Consulting

Mate Webb

Cultural Consultant

Department of Corrections