Unlocking behavioural insights at the Waikato Experimental Economics Lab

Learn more about the Waikato Experimental Economics Laboratory (WEEL); a cutting-edge facility for exploring a diverse range of social science topics.

The Waikato Experimental Economics Laboratory (WEEL) is a cutting-edge research facility within the University of Waikato's Economics department. It provides behavioral researchers with a state-of-the-art environment to study a wide range of social science topics, including environmental issues, social dilemmas, financial markets, decision-making under uncertainty, coordination, and strategic interaction.

Discover how to participate in paid economics experiments.

Experiment sessions usually last between 1-3 hours, and have performance-based cash rewards that are paid at the end of the session. As a participant, the average per hour participation payment is $25/hr. This means that a participant may receive a payment that is more than this or possibly less. The actual size of the payment depends upon your decisions, the decisions of others in the experiment, and random variables.

WEEL is available for use by University of Waikato staff and graduate students as well as other outside interested parties.

For more information, please email Dr. Steven Tucker, Director of WEEL.