Ahuora Centre for Smart Energy Systems

The Ahuora Centre focuses on smart integration of technology to harness the full potential of energy using a holistic whole-of-problem approach.

ahuora energy banner


To help create more sustainable New Zealand industries that sit in harmony with taiao (the environment) and tāngata (the people) through smart energy systems and integration.

ahuora achieving net zero carbon

Achieving net-zero-carbon in industry

The industrial process heat sector contributes 28% of NZ's energy emissions (MBIE, 2019) and is a formidable challenge to decarbonise by 2050. Our team focuses on smart integration of physical and digital energy tech for effective solutions.

ahuora sustainability heat decarbonisation

Project Ahuora

This project aims to develop a cutting-edge energy-tech platform using adaptive digital twin technology and underpinned by the next-generation of energy systems science. Our team draws researchers from Waikato, Auckland, Massey, and global universities.

World-class energy research and training for industry

Our research endeavors to harness the full potential of energy using a holistic whole-of-problem approach in areas such as:

  • Advanced process integration and optimisation
  • Digital twin technology and Industry 4.0
  • Clean bioenergy production and industrial symbiosis
  • Integrated and novel thermodynamic cycles
  • Macro-energy sector planning and integration

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