Campus maps

Navigate the University of Waikato campuses effortlessly with our detailed maps. Find your way to classes, facilities, and amenities with ease.

  • Tauranga

    The University of Waikato has several locations in Tauranga, with the central campus in the Tauranga CBD at 101-121 Durham Street.

    A map of the Tauranga campus building highlights the location of facilities across its five floors. Additionally, the Tauranga cultural tour provides an audio and visual guide showcasing campus artworks by local, award-winning artists.

    Hamilton campus map

    The Hamilton campus is located in the Hillcrest suburb and accessible from Knighton, Hillcrest and Silverdale roads.

    Use the icon on the top left of the Hamilton campus map to select and view additional details.

    Link to this location
    Save a link to this building by right-clicking and copying the 'Link Address' below ...

    Map legend

    Map layers

    Use the the top left icon menu to view the following items on the map.

    Emergency phones

    Blue light emergency phones are situated across campus, use these to contact UniSafe Staff 24/7, or call them on directly on 07 838 4444.

    AED Defibrillators

    Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) are portable medical devices that can automatically assess a patient's heart in a medical emergency.

    Information points

    Signage posts displaying campus information, maps and directions.

    Pay parking

    Parking is available at the Hamilton campus. Parking fees can be paid with the free PayMyPark app to pay parking fees, or via the PayMyPark website.

    Disability parking

    Mobility parking permit holders can use mobility parking spaces, which are wider than standard parks and closer to venues. These spaces are marked with the disability symbol.

    Visitor parking

    Reserved visitor parks are strictly for visitors to the campus during business hours.

    Gender neutral bathrooms

    Locations of all gender neutral bathrooms on campus.

    Campus showers

    Showers are available throughout campus (make sure you have access first).

    Map help and downloads

    About room numbers

    Rooms at Waikato University are referenced by building letter or code, floor number and then the room number. 

    For example, S.1.17 means:

    • S = S block
    • 1 = Floor 1
    • 17 = Room number 17

    Linking to a building

    You can link directly to a marked building in emails and documents by using the 'Link to this Location'.

    When you have located the building, click the red button (bottom left) then right-click on the 'COPY LOCATION' text and select copy link address.

    That address to the currently shown map can then be pasted into your email or document.

    Map downloads

    Index of Campus Buildings

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