In this policy:
social media means the collective of online communication channels, portals and websites dedicated to facilitating community-based interactions, sharing and collaborations. Social media allow people to socially interact, converse, network and share with one another online; examples of social media platforms include Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Snapchat, Tiktok, Twitter, WeChat, Neighbourly and YouTube.
Responsibility for policy: Director of Marketing
Approving authority: Vice-Chancellor
Last reviewed: October 2021
Next review date: October 2026
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social media means the collective of online communication channels, portals and websites dedicated to facilitating community-based interactions, sharing and collaborations. Social media allow people to socially interact, converse, network and share with one another online; examples of social media platforms include Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Snapchat, Tiktok, Twitter, WeChat, Neighbourly and YouTube.
Personal social media involvement
University of Waikato social media pages, groups or presences
Responsibility for monitoring compliance
Waivers and variations