Responsibility for policy: Chief Information Officer
Approving authority: Vice-Chancellor
Last reviewed: February 2022
Next review date: February 2027

Print version


  1. This policy applies to all staff of the University of Waikato.


  1. The purpose of this policy is to set out the principles and processes that apply with respect to the purchase and use of University of Waikato mobile devices.


  1. This policy applies to all University of Waikato mobile devices, whether purchased from operational budgets, research trust accounts.


  1. In this policy:

    end-of-life means a mobile device no longer supported by the manufacturer or service providers

    personal mobile device means a mobile phone, smart phone (internet capable mobile phone), tablet (e.g. iPad), data card and/or mobile broadband device not purchased using University funds

    University of Waikato mobile device means a mobile phone, smart phone (internet capable mobile phone), tablet (e.g. iPad), data card and/or mobile broadband device purchased with University funds.

Related documents

  1. The following documents set out further information relevant to this policy:


  1. The University is committed to providing staff with the appropriate tools and technology to efficiently and effectively perform their roles.
  2. Subject to the approval processes set out in clause 18  of this policy, staff are eligible for a University of Waikato mobile device only if
    1. they require it for the purposes of conducting University business, and
    2. all the associated costs can be met within the relevant cost centre budget.

Purchase, ownership and disposal of mobile devices

  1. The University has negotiated a preferred supplier arrangement with a single mobile telecommunications provider (2degrees) with whom corporate mobile plans have been leveraged based on the total University telecommunications spend; no mobile plans may be arranged outside the University's preferred supplier arrangement.
  2. University of Waikato mobile devices can be purchased from the PB Tech catalogue in Unimarket or via a PCard at either Hamilton’s PB Tech Support Centre or Tauranga’s PB Tech branch; if advice or assistance about the selection of the most suitable device is required a service request should be logged with ITS through Kuhukuhu (ICT Services: Phones and Voicemail Services with the menu option ‘obtaining a new phone’ selected).
  3. In accordance with the Capital Asset Policy, any mobile device over $2,000 must be purchased using approved capital funds; if this is the case a request must be logged via Kuhukuhu to complete the capital purchase (ICT Services: Phones and Voicemail Services with the menu option ‘obtaining a new phone’ selected).
  4. All mobile devices provided to staff under this policy and any data associated with their use are owned by the University and may be subject to audit.
  5. A staff member may elect to transfer a personal mobile phone number to a University mobile phone and to have the number returned to them at the time that they leave employment with the University; the University may publish any University mobile phone number in the Staff Directory.
  6. At the time that a staff member provided with a University of Waikato mobile device leaves employment with the University they must return the device and any associated accessories to their line manager for reassignment to another staff member or disposal.
  7. All end-of-life mobile devices must be sustainably disposed of; they can be dropped off for disposal at either the PB Tech Support Centre on the Hamilton campus or the Tech Desk on the Tauranga campus.
  8. Staff may be required to meet the cost of replacing lost or damaged devices.

Tablet devices

  1. Standard tablet devices must be purchased with Wi-Fi capability only and may be hot-spotted from a mobile connection as required.
  2. A line manager who wishes to recommend the purchase of a tablet device with mobile internet capability must put forward a case for consideration by the relevant Head of School, Director or equivalent, which sets out the reasons why mobile internet capability is required in addition to WiFi.
  3. When considering a case for a mobile internet capable tablet device, the relevant Head of School, Director or equivalent must give consideration to:
    1. how frequently the tablet device will be used out of WiFi coverage, and whether 'tethering' it to a smartphone WiFi hotspot would be a more cost-effective option, and
    2. the extra cost of the mobile internet capable tablet device.


  1. All mobile devices provided by the University must have two-factor authentication tool (DUO) installed and activated; PB Tech will undertake the initial installation and setup of DUO on any device purchased from them at the time of purchase.
  2. Use of mobile devices provided by the University must be conducted in a secure manner in accordance with the Computer Systems Regulations and all other applicable regulations and policy.
  3. All data must be securely erased from a mobile device before it is either reassigned to another staff member or disposed of and the device must be removed from the University’s corporate mobile plan.
  4. Staff must install all security updates delivered to the mobile device by the manufacturer as they are received; devices no longer supported by the manufacturer are considered end-of-life and must be suitably disposed of in accordance with clause 14 of this policy.
  5. Staff must not store or save University of Waikato PCard details on any mobile device.

Use of personal mobile devices

  1. Personal mobile devices used for University business purposes must have the current University of Waikato two-factor authentication tool (DUO) activated.
  2. The University is not obligated to repair or replace personal mobile devices used for University business purposes.

Responsibilities of the Chief Information Officer

  1. The Chief Information Officer is responsible for:
    1. managing the University's mobile device  plans and services
    2. determining any terms and conditions, along with any other relevant agreements, associated with mobile devices
    3. monitoring costs incurred by staff using mobile devices, and reporting any matters of concern to the relevant Head of School, Director or equivalent
    4. maintaining  University of Waikato mobile device contracts.

Responsibilities of line managers

  1. Authority to approve the provision of a University of Waikato mobile device to a staff member rests with the relevant Head of School, Director or equivalent on the recommendation of the relevant line manager; both the line manager and the approving authority must be satisfied that the criteria listed under clause 7 of this policy have been met.
  2. Line managers are responsible for:
    1. arranging the purchase, allocation and disposal of mobile devices for staff in their area of responsibility
    2. reviewing staff usage and matters of concern reported to them by Information and Technology Services and ensuring that the costs incurred by their staff when using mobile devices are, in their opinion, reasonable and appropriate
    3. ensuring that any mobile devices are returned by their staff at the end of their employment, on transfer to a position where a mobile device is not required, or otherwise on request
    4. informing Information and Technology Services through Kuhukuhu (ICT Services: Phones and Voicemail Services with the option 'an existing phone' selected) of any purchase or reallocation of mobile devices or the termination of mobile device contracts within their area of responsibility to ensure that the University's record of mobile devices is kept up to date and appropriate security maintained
    5. reporting any breaches of this policy to the Chief Information Officer.

Responsibilities of staff

  1. Staff assigned a University of Waikato mobile device may use the device for both work and private purposes; however, if usage exceeds the data and voice allowances in the relevant plan, staff must personally reimburse the University for the excess usage or obtain approval from the relevant Head of School, Director or equivalent for the additional costs to be met by the University.
  2. A staff member assigned a University of Waikato mobile device must
    1. operate the device in the most cost-effective manner for the University, including ensuring that appropriate mobile device roaming plans are in place while travelling overseas
    2. take reasonable care to prevent accidental damage, loss or theft
    3. cover the costs of repair for accidental damage of hardware not covered by standard warranty
    4. use the current two-factor authentication tool (DUO)
    5. meet any personal financial obligations associated with the purchase and use of personal applications or systems installed on the device, including the purchase of extra memory/storage for this purpose
    6. use the device in vehicles in accordance with the rules set out in the University's Vehicle Use Policy
    7. not use the device in any way that is unethical, illegal or otherwise has the potential to unjustifiably bring the University into disrepute
    8. ensure the device is returned in a factory reset state to the relevant line manager at the end of their employment or when they transfer to a position where a mobile device is not required, or otherwise when the line manager requests.

Responsibility for monitoring compliance

  1. The Chief Information Officer is responsible for monitoring compliance with this policy and reporting any breaches to the Assistant Vice-Chancellor (Student and Information Services).
  2. Breaches of this policy may result in disciplinary action under the Staff Code of Conduct.