Credits and transfers

Looking to transfer to The University of Waikato from another tertiary education provider?

If you’ve previously studied at tertiary level elsewhere, you may be eligible to credit your previous study towards a University of Waikato qualification. By completing a credit transfer, you will be able to reduce the number of papers needed to complete your qualification.

External Transfer Credit

External Transfer Credit is the transfer of papers from another tertiary education provider to a University of Waikato qualification. If you have previously studied at tertiary level elsewhere, you may be eligible to credit your previous study towards a University of Waikato qualification. Successful credit transfers may reduce the number of papers needed to complete your qualification with us.

The amount of credit that can be transferred in either case can be found in section 14 of the Personal Programmes of Study Regulations of the University of Waikato Calendar.

External Transfer Credit may count to only one qualification at the University of Waikato.

You may not receive credit if

• The first year of your tertiary study for an overseas qualification is equivalent to University Entrance (UE) in New Zealand.
• Your studies were completed more than 10 years ago.

What happens if your credit application is unsuccessful?

You will not receive credit if your application does not meet our criteria or fit within the programme structure. We will explain why your application has been unsuccessful when we send you the decision.

What happens if your credit application is successful?

• You will be formally notified of your credit application within your offer letter.
• When accepting your offer you will also accept the credit outcome.

Internal Credit Transfer

Internal credit processes are credit that the University internally manages for currently enrolled University of Waikato students.

Internal Transfer of Papers

This process is used when not all of a students completed papers are being transferred to the new qualification. This is an internal process and enquiries should be referred to the relevant Division being sought to transfer to for more information. If you are intending to transfer all of your papers, please refer to transfer of qualification.

Exchange (Outbound)

Study completed towards your University of Waikato qualification through an overseas exchange partner institution is classified as exchange study.

You are required to contact the International Office in the first instance to discuss eligibility and proposed exchange study.


Guaranteed Credit Agreements (GCA)

Guaranteed Credit Agreements (GCA) cater for pre-approved transfer of papers from another tertiary education provider to a University of Waikato qualification under pre-approved papers/qualifications.

Successful GCA credit transfers will reduce the number of papers needed to complete your qualification with us. The amount of credit that can be transferred is pre-approved. This is an internal process and enquiries should be referred to the relevant Division being sought to transfer to for more information.

Articulation Credit

The articulation credit process will be initiated when a student applies for a University of Waikato qualification that has an articulation arrangement, or by the other institution sending a request for credit to the Credit Office. This is an internal process and enquiries should be referred to the relevant Division being sought to transfer to for more information.

Study Recognition of Prior Learning

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is the formal recognition of non-credentialed prior learning. You are given the opportunity to have an assessment made of learning that you may have undertaken in a non-formal setting (e.g. outside school, polytechnic, or university) which could be counted towards a formal qualification.

Essentially, if you have undertaken learning for which you have not received a formal qualification, and which may be of a level which could count towards a university level qualification, you are entitled to apply for RPL.

Information about recognition of prior learning and how to apply.

External Enrolment

Please contact your Division or School of Study for approval if you wish to complete part of your University of Waikato qualification at another tertiary institution. You will be required to provide paper titles and descriptions of the paper(s) you wish to complete at the other institution by forwarding this information to your Division with your request for external enrolment.

You are reminded that the points system differs from institution to institution, and should take this into account when selecting papers. For example, 200 level papers at the University of Waikato are normally worth 15 points each, whereas 200 level papers at Otago University are normally worth 18 points each.