Te Ara Reo Māori

Learn about our drive and motivation to make a difference for the teaching and learning of te reo Māori in New Zealand schools.

Te Reo Māori in English Medium

Our facilitators are experienced classroom teachers who understand the challenges and practicalities of developing engaging and purposeful language learning opportunities for both students and teachers.

We can help you plan an overview for te reo Māori across year levels at your school, linked to the curriculum guidelines for te reo Māori in English medium schools. Our accredited facilitators can help you through a process of review, design and implementation for a sequential teaching and learning programme for te reo Māori, linked to the curriculum guidelines for te reo Māori in English medium schools.

Contact Merimeri Anania.


We have experienced Pāngarau facilitators who are familiar with research and effective practice in both Māori medium and dual medium settings. We can work with kaiako and kura leaders to:

  • enhance curriculum and pedagogical content knowledge for Māori immersion settings
  • use key pāngarau documents and resources such as Poutama Tau, Tihei Pāngarau and nzmaths
  • understand aromatawai as it relates to pāngarau including Uiui, GloSS, IKAN and Ngā Whanaketanga Rumaki Māori
  • support provisionally certificated teachers to develop effective pāngarau programmes
  • identify and incorporate digital resources into the teaching and learning of pāngarau
  • develop effective systems and processes to support overall teacher judgments and moderation
  • provide guidance for kura and schools to engage whānau in pāngarau learning

Leadership in Māori and dual medium settings

We can work with tumuaki, senior leaders, boards of trustees and whānau whakahaere in kura Māori to:

  • build leadership capability specific to Māori medium settings
  • focus teaching policies and practices to meet the needs of ākonga
  • foster positive relationships with and beyond the learning community, inclusive of whānau, hapū and iwi
  • implement quality management systems to meet with strategic and compliance requirements
  • provide moral and emotional leadership support when working with new leaders
  • support senior and middle leaders in their leadership roles
  • clarify key management responsibilities such as financial, personnel and property.

Contact Marama Reweti-Martin and Tammy Gardiner.


Rukuhia, Rārangahia (2014) influences our philosophical approaches to aromatawai when working with tumuaki, kaiako, ākonga, whānau and kura. Aromatawai is a way of focusing on the learner, what they can do, and their journey based on knowledge drawn from a relationship between pouako and ākonga.

Our Māori medium facilitators can support kura to:

  • improve student learning and accelerating achievement in Years 1-13
  • develop, implement and review school wide systems for data collection and analysis
  • assist kura to develop and/or strengthen planning and reporting requirements
  • design and construct assessment activities that they are valid and relevant.

We are able to support kura leaders and kaiako for Year 11-13 students in wharekura. Working alongside Kaiako and kura in wharekura our team members can assist kura to focus on student learning and accelerated achievement that is informed by Te Marautanga o Aotearoa and/or NCEA.

Contact Tammy Gardiner.


Pakirehua, or a Māori perspective of inquiry, is a natural process where kura are actively engaged in cycles of inquiry which result in deliberate acts of facilitation and teaching to improve student achievement. Our facilitators are passionate and skilled in the area of pakirehua and can support kaiako to develop pakirehua as a way of being and ensure pakirehua is fostered as dynamic, ongoing, transformative and community-focused.

From a Māori perspective Pakirehua/Inquiry has always been and is what we’ve always done, it’s part of our DNA. Ancestors/tipuna show the way for us; their stories, experiences and knowledge are a natural part of understanding how we (as Māori) inquire, are curious and solve problems.

– Tammy Gardiner and Marama Reweti-Martin

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