Gifted and Talented Education
Ensuring that all students are catered for appropriately is at the heart of gifted and talented education.
Our work is informed by high quality research and knowledge of best practices for gifted and talented students. Our accredited facilitators work collaboratively with schools, kura and Kāhui Ako to design professional learning that will be engaging, sustainable and relevant to their culture and community.
We can assist schools, kura and Kāhui Ako to:
- strengthen understanding about gifted and talented education
- assess what is already working well and identify gaps for gifted and talented education
- develop the school capability and confidence to cater appropriately for gifted and talented students
- establish processes to identify gifted and talented students and their strengths and needs
- implement school-wide culturally responsive provisions that cater for the range of gifts and talents
- track progress of gifted and talented students
- integrate effective teaching and learning practices that support all students, in particular gifted and talented students.