Social Policy

Why study Social Policy?
Studying Social Policy involves examining the issues that affect people and society. It analyses the policies and practices of politicians, public servants, governments and non-governmental agencies, and how they impact on communities and wider society. It takes a broad and encompassing approach, because social policy impacts on all parts of everyday life – from health and education to families, transport and housing, plus the systems and institutions that support them.
Your Social Policy studies at Waikato will cover why and how societies respond to problems such as poverty and unemployment. You'll take part in popular and recurring social policy debates, and gain an in-depth understanding of why social problems arise. You'll investigate and evaluate different ways of responding to those problems.
At the end of your studies, you'll be equipped to seek employment opportunities within government agencies, non-government organisations, tertiary education institutions, voluntary and community agencies, and groups advocating for social equity and change.
Career Opportunities
- Advocate
- Case Management
- Community Worker
- Policy Analyst
- Researcher
Hamilton, Tauranga, Online
Study in Tauranga
Students in Tauranga can complete a Bachelor of Social Sciences (BSocSc) majoring in Social Policy, or complete Social Policy as a minor or supporting subject in most other Bachelors degrees.
Subject Requirements
Social Policy is available as a major for the BSocSc. Social Policy may also be taken as a second major or as a minor within other undergraduate degrees, subject to academic approval of the Faculty or School of Studies in which the student is enrolled.
For more information about subject requirements please refer to the Subject Regulations for the most up to date information. If you have any questions and need more advice, please contact one of our friendly student advisors on phone: 0800 800 145 or +64 7 838 4080 or email:
Note: Social Policy is available as a major for the BSocSc in Hamilton and Tauranga. Tauranga-based students majoring in Social Policy may substitute SOCW305 for SOCP304
Please note: For all graduate subject requirements, please check the information provided in the papers section.