Health Science

Why study Health Science?
At Waikato, our Health Science postgraduate qualifications offer pathways for nurses and other health professionals into advanced
clinical practice, clinical leadership and management and professional leadership roles.
Students can opt to focus their studies on any of the following areas: Clinical, Registered Nurse Prescriber, Education, Gerontology, Leadership and Health Management, Maori, Pacific and Indigenous, Mental Health, Nurse Practitioner and Primary Care.
A Postgraduate Certificate in Health Science is the first step in postgraduate study for health professionals eager to progress into more advanced practice roles.
With a Postgraduate Diploma in Health Science, you will gain a pathway into advanced clinical practice or leadership and management roles.
The Master of Health Science programme is designed to prepare registered nurses for advanced clinical practice and is also focused on developing leadership potential in nurses and other health professionals.
Please contact if you would like advice about which programme would be most appropriate for you.