Population Studies and Demography

Population Studies and Demography at Waikato addresses contrasting issues among developed and developing countries, how governments are handling slowing population growth, and how others are dealing with legal and illegal migration and skill shortages.

Why study Population Studies and Demography?

Population issues are among the most serious challenges that humanity faces in the 21st century. You'll explore how such issues impact on a country's environmental, economic and social patterns.

At Waikato we provide an integrated and interdisciplinary approach to population studies with our graduate programme in Population Studies and Demography. You'll learn about advanced, empirical analysis of population structure and trends.

You'll explore the importance of population research and the need for attention to population trends, their causes and their implications on the environment, employment, work and family, health, population distribution, urbanisation, migration patterns, old age security and refugee movements.

This subject is of relevance to students from a wide range of backgrounds, such as sociology, economics, geography, political science and public policy, and provides opportunities to engage in individual directed studies and research for a masters or higher degree on a population-related subject.

Note: Populations Studies and Demography was previously known as Demography.

Career Opportunities

  • Health Sector Analyst
  • Merchant Banker
  • Policy Analyst
  • Social Sciences Researcher
  • Teacher

Scholarships and prizes

Visit our Scholarship Finder for information about possible scholarships.

Subject requirements

Graduate and Postgraduate Admission and Requirements

Prescriptions for the PGCert(PopStud&Dem), PGDip(PopStud&Dem), BSocSc(Hons) and MSocSc

To complete a BSocSc(Hons) in Population Studies and Demography, students must gain 120 points at 500 level, including POPST509 (or equivalent) at least 30 points in research (normally POPST591) and at least 30 points from other POPST coded 500 level papers.

To be eligible to be considered for enrolment in the MSocSc in Population Studies and Demography, a student should have completed either:

a) a BSocSc in any discipline, have included at least one undergraduate Population Studies paper and have gained at least a B average in either the best three of their 300 level papers in their undergraduate major or all of their undergraduate papers in the major, or

b) a BSocSc(Hons) in Population Studies and Demography (or equivalent) and have gained at least a B average across all 500 level papers.

Completion requirements for the MSocSc in Populations Studies and Demography vary according to admission criteria.

Students admitted under a) above must complete 180 points from approved 500 level papers, including POPST509 (or equivalent) and 45 points from POPST coded papers, and either a 120 point thesis, a 90 point thesis or a 60 point dissertation.

Students admitted under b) above must complete a 120 point thesis, a 90 point thesis and a further 30 points from approved 500 level papers, or a 60 point dissertation and a further 60 points from approved 500 level papers.
To be considered for enrolment in a dissertation or thesis, all students must have completed at least 60 points from approved 500 level papers.

Enquiries about postgraduate programmes in Population Studies and Demography should be directed to the postgraduate advisor.

Population Studies and Demography papers

Contact us

International Enquiries

Monday to Friday 8:30am - 5pm

School of Social Sciences

School of Social Sciences, The University of Waikato, Ground Floor, J Block, Gate 1, Knighton Road, Hamilton