The Human Performance Science major represents a distinctive approach to sport and exercise science. It is based on four pillars; namely, strength and conditioning, exercise physiology, biomechanics and injury prevention, and psychology. The science of human performance extends beyond high performance sport and includes links to the general population, movement-related professions, exercise, nutrition and physical health.

Human Performance Science is available as a first major for the Bachelor of Sport and Human Performance (BSHP). Human Performance Science may also be included as a second major or minor in other undergraduate degrees, subject to approval of the Division in which the student is enrolled.

To complete Human Performance Science as a single major for the BSHP, students must gain 135 points from papers listed for Human Performance Science, including 105 points above 100 level, and 45 points above 200 level. Students must complete BIOMD101, HPSCI101; 60 points from HPSCI202, HPSCI203, HPSCI204, HPSCI205, HPSCI206, or HPSCI207; and 45 points from HPSCI301, HPSCI302, HPSCI303, HPSCI304, HPSCI306 or SDCOA304.

To complete Human Performance Science as part of a double major for the BSHP or other undergraduate degree, students must gain gain 120 points from papers listed for Human Performance Science, including 90 points above 100 level, and 45 points above 200 level. Students must complete BIOMD101, HPSCI101; 45 points from HPSCI202, HPSCI203, HPSCI204, HPSCI205, HPSCI206, or HPSCI207; and 45 points from HPSCI301, HPSCI302, HPSCI303, HPSCI304, HPSCI306 or SDCOA304.

To complete a minor in Human Performance Science, students must complete 60 points from the papers listed for the Human Performance Science major, including at least 30 points above 100 level.

Other qualifications

Prescriptions for:

Human Performance Science papers

Code and paper titlePoints
BIOMD101Introduction to Human Biology - Tinana Tangata Koioraright arrow

This paper will introduce the student to the basics of human anatomy and physiology.
He whakataki tēnei pepa i te hunga tauira ki ngā tūāpapa o te...

1525A (Hamilton) & 25A (Tauranga)
HELTH120Navigating Hauora in Aotearoaright arrow

This paper explores Hauora in Aotearoa from Māori and Pacific perspectives. Students will develop an understanding of the significance, relevance...

1525A (Hamilton) & 25A (Tauranga)
HPSCI101Introduction to Human Performance Scienceright arrow

This paper will provide an introduction to Human Performance Science.

1525B (Hamilton) & 25B (Tauranga)

2025 Catalogue of Papers information current as of 11 Jan 2025 01:00am