Associate Director
- MOE Accredited
- English Medium Accredited
- Maori Medium Accredited
- Communities of Learning / Kāhui Ako
- Embedding language, culture and identity
- Engaging whānau and communities
- Enhancing student agency
- Innovative Teaching and Learning
- Lifting student achievement
- Māori Medium
- Pakirehua
- Te Ara Reo Māori
2016 Te Pīnakitanga ki Te Reo Māori, Te Wānanga o Aotearoa
2015 Master of Education, University of Waikato
2015 Te Aupikitanga ki Te Reo Māori, Te Wānanga o Aotearoa
1999 Postgraduate Diploma of School Management, Unitec
1972 Bachelor of Arts, University of Canterbury
My Experience
Ka puta te māramatanga i runga i te titiro whakamuri me te anga whakamua
As an educator, I am intrinsically guided by the philosophies and values of Te Ao Māori. These are fundamental to the building of strong personal and professional relationships, especially for nurturing effective leadership.
Because kura are so complex, being responsive to their changing needs, and adapting my practice to suit, is a necessity. To do this, I use active listening and tairongo (a multisensory approach) and my experience as a kaiako, tumuaki and facilitator, gives me insight into the classroom, as well as school operations at management, leadership and governance levels.
Preferring to work collaboratively and inclusively, I use inquiry and research to pursue special areas of interest. Using information in a synergistic way with Māori pedagogy can provide breakthrough practice for our tamariki, kaiako, tumuaki and facilitators. In a 21st Century learning environment, I am both challenged and excited by the opportunities for creativity, innovation and the use of cutting edge pedagogy and technologies.