Reading Recovery Tutor
- Reading Recovery
2000 Post Graduate Diploma of Reading Recovery, University of Auckland
1964 Teachers' Training College, Wellington Teachers' College
My Experience
Ko Janet Craigie taku ingoa
Ngā mihi nui ki a tātau.
I te taha o taku pāpā nō Scotland.
I te taha o taku māmā nō Australia
But, through my mokopuna,
Ko Mokotai te maunga
Ko Kopuawhara te awa
Ko Rongomaiwahine o Kahunguhu taku iwi
Ko Te Rakato me Ruawharo aku marae.
Janet is a Reading Recovery Tutor / Facilitator as part of a team of Reading Recovery tutors in Te Whai Toi Tangata. She has had 20 years’ experience in this position. This role has involved Janet forging strong relationships with the schools in the relatively isolated East Coast region of the North island of New Zealand. At various times over the 20 years, Janet has presented at a Reading Recovery International Institute in Sydney, Australia, and at several Literacy Association Conferences as well as Resource Teacher of Literacy Annual Conferences. She supports the schools in her region with early literacy assessment training, as well as advocating for early literacy teaching in reading and writing that facilitates children’s progress with their foundation learning. Janet has a deep and abiding interest in the ways in which the texts used for teaching children how to read, can either facilitate or impede children’s progress, and over the years has studied the plethora of conflicting theories around text efficacy. The accumulated knowledge stemming from this interest underpins the information she uses in her interactions with the teachers she trains and the teachers in the schools who participate in Reading Recovery.