Agriculture (incl. Agribusiness & Forestry)

Important Note:
The below list is not curated on a regular basis and closing dates / values may alter each year. Be sure to contact the external organisation directly for any questions.

All Levels

Korokipo Branch Agricultural and Horticultural Tertiary Bursary 

Closing Date:

15 January | All levels | $2,000  

To encourage residents of Hawke’s Bay to undertake further education or training in land-based study. 

Find out more and apply 

Adna Poppe Memorial Bursary 

Closing Date:

31 January | All levels | varies  

Provides funding for any person who lives in the Rangitikei- Oroua Provincial Rural Women’s area who is undertaking study in agriculture, horticulture, or related subjects. 

Find out more and apply 

Diamond Jubilee Agricultural Tertiary Bursary 

Closing Date:

01 March | All levels | up to $1,000 

For students undertaking a full-time course of at least one year in an agricultural study such as horticulture, veterinary, bee keeping, aqua farming and viticulture 

Find out more and apply 

Bragato Trust Scholarships 

Closing Date:

31 March | All levels | up to $15,000 

To support those studying subjects and undertaking research of relevance to viticulture.  

Find out more and apply 

AGMARDT Leadership Scholarship Programme 

Closing Date:

20 August & 08 December | All levels | value varies 

To support individuals in agribusiness in to develop their management, leadership and governance skills and to participate in management, leadership and governance programmes.  

Find out more and apply 

Audrey Reid Grant 

Closing Date:

30 October | All levels | $600 

For applicants 25 years or older seeking to extend their education or training in study that will benefit rural communities, including midwifery, agriculture and horticulture 

Find out more and apply 

Bashford-Nicholls Charitable Trust Scholarships 

Closing Date:

15 November | All levels | unknown value 

To enable students to actively engage in, and contribute to, the agriculture or veterinary science industries at undergraduate, masters or doctoral levels. 

Find out more and apply 

Undergraduate Level

NZIF Undergraduate Scholarship 

Closing Date:

27 June | Undergraduate | $2,000  

For students enrolled in a forestry or forestry related degree at a New Zealand University. 

Find out more and apply 

Zespri Horticultural Scholarships 

Closing Date:

07 October | Undergraduate | $10,000  

For those who have recently completed or are currently completing their first year of study and are passionate about horticulture and plan to start a career in the industry. Applicants could be studying science, management, marketing or business, however students from all degrees are encouraged to apply. 

Find out more and apply

Postgraduate Level

C. Alma Baker Trust Postgraduate Scholarships 

Closing Date:

1 February | Postgraduate | up to $20,000 pa  

For students enrolled or intending to enrol in masterate or doctoral programmes in agriculture, agritech or the study of rural society. 

Find out more and apply 

The Frank Hutchison Postgraduate Scholarship 

Closing Date:

27 June | Postgraduate | up to $2,000 

For students enrolled in forestry or forestry-related postgraduate degree. 

Find out more and apply

Research Level

NZIF Otago-Southland Award 

Closing Date:

27 June | Research | $2,000 

To assist or enable a project of relevance to forestry in the Otago-Southland region. 

Find out more and apply 

C. Alma Baker Trust Research Awards 

Closing Date:

15 October | Research | $10,000 to $40,000 

Research projects in the fields of agriculture, agricultural technology and studies of rural society. 

Find out more and apply 

Clark Fletcher Memorial Citrus Bursary 

Closing Date:

 30 November | Research | $5,000 

Students with interest in the citrus industry, or an applicant involved in research that will contribute to the citrus industry (e.g., integrated pest management, quality, crop nutrition, post-harvest handling & disease control).

Find out more and apply 

See also