Te Ara Hou Te Ahikāroa

He tohu tēnei mō te hunga kua whai pūkenga, whai wheako, whai mahi, whai tohu mātauranga rānei, ki te kaupapa o te ako i roto i ngā wharekura, kura tuarua rānei.
150 points, E rua tau te roanga o te hōtaka nei
January 01 to 01 April, 2023
Why study the Te Ara Hou Te Ahikāroa?
Ko te tūāpapa o te tohu ko te reo Māori, ngā tikanga Māori me te mātauranga Māori. Ka aro atu ki te Pūtaiao me te Pāngarau
Tuarua, ko koutou e hiahia ana kia rua ngā tohu, hei te tau tuarua, ka tīmata koutou ki te whai i te kaupapa mahinga ngātahi (conjoint degree) e pā ana ki te pūtaiao, ki te pāngarau rānei.
Career Opportunities
- Kaiako wharekura (kura tuarua)
- Kaupapa matihiko
- Mātanga hāpai
- Mātanga pūtaiao
- Kaitātari raraunga
- Mātanga reo
- Mātanga whare wānanga
- Ngā rāngai mātauranga
- Pouaka Whakaata (kaipānui, kairangahau, kaituhi)
- Rāngai kāwanatanga tūmatanui (public service)
150 points, E rua tau te roanga o te hōtaka nei
January 01 to 01 April, 2023
Degree information
NZQA Level 7 or relevant prior experience
Estimated fees
$7,183 per year
Domestic tuition fees
Approximate annual tuition fees and costs for domestic students enrolled in one year of full-time study.
Domestic tuition costsScholarships
Visit our Scholarship finder for more information about possible scholarships.
Scholarships Finder
Relevant as of 30 October 2024.
All amounts are in New Zealand Dollars (NZD). Tuition fees shown are indicative only and may change. There are additional fees and charges related to enrolment. Please see the Table of Fees and Charges for more information. You will be sent an enrolment agreement which will confirm your fees. View information about fees free study.