
Bachelor of Sport and Human Performance

Bachelors Degree BSHP

The rapidly growing sport and leisure industry is worth over $12 billion a year to New Zealand. The Bachelor of Sport & Human Performance will give you a foundation in this exciting and dynamic industry.

360 points, 3 years

Hamilton, Tauranga

Trimester A (March) and Trimester B (July)

Stacey Waaka

Why study the Bachelor of Sport and Human Performance?

As one of New Zealand's fastest growing industries, the sport and leisure industry provides exciting career opportunities. Offered in Hamilton, and in conjunction with Toi Ohomai in Tauranga, the Bachelor of Sport & Human Performance (BSHP) will equip you with the latest knowledge and skills to excel in this dynamic environment, and help to improve the physical, social and mental wellbeing of others.

Spanning the Waikato and Bay of Plenty, we are proud to foster collaborative relationships with some of the country's top organisations and facilities. Our partnerships allow students to connect with industry and community partners, including the Chiefs, BOP Magic, Cycling NZ, Sport Waikato, Sport Bay of Plenty, Enabling Good Lives, K'aute Pasifika and Paralympics NZ.

Our facilities boast the latest equipment in sport science, namely The University of Waikato Sports Laboratory at the Cambridge Avantidrome and The University of Waikato Adams Centre for High Performance in Tauranga. Both are equipped with cutting-edge facilities to test athlete performance, exercise and recovery, including an environmental chamber for altitude training.

Career Opportunities

  • Applied Sports Scientist
  • Community Sport Adviser
  • Events manager
  • Health and Physical Education Teacher
  • Health promoter
  • Sports Coach

360 points, 3 years

Hamilton, Tauranga

Trimester A (March) and Trimester B (July)

Degree information

Plan your study Subjects Entry Requirements Fees and scholarships Graduate outcomes

A student who graduates with Bachelor of Sport and Human Performance will:

  • Understand the underlying concepts and principles associated with Sport, Health and Human Performance;
  • Understand the particular social, political and cultural issues within New Zealand relevant to their specific interests with Sport, Health and Human Performance (e.g. social determinants of health, high performance sport);
  • Apply appropriate practices for Sport, Health and Human Performance contexts;
  • Understand the main methods of enquiry in Sport, Health and Human Performance;
  • Possess an interdisciplinary understanding of Sport, Health and Human Performance;
  • Understand, critique and evaluate new knowledge and ideas;
  • Demonstrate competency to work in bicultural and multicultural settings;
  • Conceptualise, design and implement a project and adjust the project in the light of unforeseen problems;
  • Develop relevant digital literacy for use in Sport, Health and Human Performance settings;
  • Demonstrate the ability to make informed decisions to promote greater equity in Sport, Health and Human Performance;
  • Demonstrate the ability to recognise, appreciate and pursue ongoing professional development;
  • Have an awareness of the ethical issues related to Sport, Health and Human Performance.

Study in Tauranga

The Bachelor of Sport and Human Performance is available in Tauranga. This offering of the BSHP is jointly delivered with Toi Ohomai. Classes will be delivered at the University of Waikato Tauranga city campus and the Toi Ohomai Windermere campus.

Conjoint degree options

The BSHP can be taken in conjunction with one of a range of other degrees. This can increase your attractiveness to potential employers as you can develop broader knowledge and skills and take just four years to complete.

A couple of popular study paths include:

  • Sport and Human Performance and Management with a second major in Marketing (BSHP and BMS or BCS). This is often chosen by students who wish to pursue Sports Marketing as a career.
  • Sport and Human Performance and Teaching. If you are interested in teaching you could complete a BSHP degree and then apply for a one-year Graduate Diploma of Teaching or a Master of Teaching and Learning.

Graduate study options

Sport and Human Performance graduates often pursue further study at masters or doctorate level to enhance their understanding of a specialised area within the sport and leisure industry. Our researchers have strong links with the industry and other researchers nationally and internationally.