International Environmental Law




B Trimester


Taking LEGAL434 Environmental Law and LEGAL437 Public International Law is advisable, though not essential.


This paper provides a synthesis of theory and specific case studies (such as development, growth, trade, debt and aid - as they relate to the international environment), so that the student will be able to understand the most formidable international environmental problems in international law and the context from which these problems originate.

Teaching Periods and Locations

20B (HAM)
Paper outline
B Trimester :
13 Jul 2020 - 08 Nov 2020
Hamilton On-campus 100% internal assessment

If your paper outline is not linked below, try the previous year's version of this paper.

Indicative Fees

  • You will be sent an enrolment agreement which will confirm your fees. Tuition fees shown are indicative only and may change. There are additional fees and charges related to enrolment - please see the Table of Fees and Charges for more information.

20B (HAM) $1,975

You will be sent an enrolment agreement which will confirm your fees. Tuition fees shown are indicative only and may change. There are additional fees and charges related to enrolment - please see the Table of Fees and Charges for more information.

20B (HAM) $8,170

You will be sent an enrolment agreement which will confirm your fees. Tuition fees shown are indicative only and may change. There are additional fees and charges related to enrolment - please see the Table of Fees and Charges for more information.

Available subjects

Additional information

  • Paper details current as of 1 Jun 2024 01:44am
  • Indicative fees current as of 1 Mar 2025 01:20am