Current students: mid stage to submission
Progressing through PhD or Higher Degree study
Find detailed information and explore the enrolment options available if your circumstances change — such as a suspension of enrolment, change of supervisory panel, and change to part-time or full-time study.
The University recognises that circumstances and events may require a student to take a temporary break from study.
Domestic students are eligible to apply for 12 months full-time equivalent suspension in total throughout their enrolment in a higher degree.
International Students are also able to apply for 12 months full-time equivalent suspension in total throughout their enrolment in a higher research degree. However, it is important to note that international Students are only eligible to reside in New Zealand while on suspension for a maximum of three months, over a 12-month period. Time on suspension within New Zealand beyond three months will affect student visas.
The final submission date will be extended to incorporate the suspension time. Accumulated suspension periods must not exceed 12 full-time equivalent months.
During a period of suspension, the student will cease to have rights of access to university resources related to the thesis project, including access to the library. No fees will be payable during this time. A credit or refund of fees may be possible if they have already been paid.
Students who would like to request a suspension of enrolment should seek advice from the Scholarships Office regarding any implications for their scholarships, or from the Research & Enterprise Office or their sponsoring agency as appropriate.
Retrospective suspensions are not likely to be approved by the Postgraduate Research Committee. Therefore, students requiring a suspension are strongly advised to submit an application at the point when they are aware that they are unable to devote appropriate time to their studies, due to extenuating circumstances.
Full-time or part-time status change
Domestic students can enrol under full-time or part-time status and may apply to change this status at any time during their enrolment in higher research degree study. The final submission date will be adjusted to reflect the status change. Students who would like to change their status should seek advice from the Scholarships Office regarding any implications for their scholarships, or from the Research & Enterprise Office or their sponsoring agency.
International Doctor of Philosophy domestic fees entitlement
International Doctor of Philosophy students enrolled in recognised research programmes at New Zealand universities may qualify for domestic student status. To hold domestic student status, international Doctor of Philosophy Students must be resident in New Zealand during their study, except for temporary absences for the purposes of their research (conducting research and fieldwork appropriate to their course of study). The University defines a "temporary absence" as no more than 12 months in total during the period of their candidature. A student enrolled in a New Zealand university but remaining resident overseas does not have domestic student status.
International students studying on a study permit/student visa in New Zealand may only enrol full-time.
International students are eligible for domestic tuition fees when enrolled in the PhD programme. All other doctoral qualifications incur full-time international tuition fees.
In certain circumstances, students enrolled in a Master of Philosophy degree may be permitted to transfer their studies to a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree. A transfer can only take place after a minimum of six months full-time or 12 months part-time study. The transfer may only occur if it is supported in writing by the student's supervisor(s) and approved by the Head of School as well as the Associate Dean (Postgraduate).
Students enrolled for a PhD degree or for Part 2 of an EdD or SJD may apply to the Postgraduate Research Committee to transfer to an MPhil at any time prior to submission of the thesis. It is also possible for students enrolled in Part 2 of an EdD, DHSc or SJD to apply to transfer to a Master's degree in their specialist area.
All applications to change qualifications can made submitted through MyWaikato (Research tab).
There is an expectation that changes in supervisory panels will occur only in exceptional circumstances, for example
- A major change in research topic
- The resignation, serious illness or redeployment of a supervisor
- The identified need of an additional supervisor with specialist knowledge
- An irreconcilable working relationship between supervisor and student
Where a change to a supervisory panel is required, an Application for a Change of Panel can be completed and submitted to Te Mata Kairangi School of Graduate Research, for approval by the Postgraduate Research Committee.
Please note this process cannot be completed in MyWaikato and you will need to email your completed form to
Students may withdraw from their programme of study at any time. This should be done in writing by emailing the School of Graduate Research. Access to university resources, including supervision, is not available to students who have withdrawn from their programme of study.
Students who have withdrawn from higher degree study may reapply at a later date, but will have to develop a new research proposal, and will not be able to use date collected during the previous period of enrolment.

Open Access Equity Fund
The University Library has established a new Open Access Equity Fund aimed at supporting those who do not have access to funds to make their research publicly available. The fund allows the Library to contribute to various processing charges.

Postgraduate Researcher Development Programme: mid stage
The University of Waikato offers a wide range of training opportunities to support you on your journey as a research scholar. If you're into the data gathering and analysis phase of your research, these workshops will help you.
Forms and guidelines
Additional Papers 60pts in PhD form (181 KB)
Application for confirmed enrolment form (447 KB)
Co-authorship form (29 KB)
Confirmed enrolment presentation guidelines (160 KB)
Doctoral overseas travel form (150 KB)
Guidelines for dual PhDs with overseas universities (206 KB)
Embargo application form (350 KB)
Guidelines for authorship of publications from theses and dissertations (94 KB)
Guidelines for proof-reading of theses (208 KB)
Guidelines for video technology in oral exams (574 KB)
Nomination of examiners (213 KB)
Protocols for oral exam within Māori context (341 KB)
Requirements for PhD with creative practice (162 KB)
Requirements for PhD with publication (150 KB)
Research proposal guide (586 KB)
Submission for completion form — MPhil and Doctorates (135 KB)
Submission for examination form — MPhil and Doctorates (264 KB)
Supervisors' register application form (157 KB)
Visiting postgraduate student guidelines (238 KB)
Whanau information sheet for oral examination (453 KB)