Non-tuition costs

In addition to your tuition costs, you may need to pay additional fees while you study at the University.

Student Services Fee

The Student Services Fee (formerly the Student Services Levy) is compulsory for all students, however, all other costs may not apply to all students. This fee covers the services available to students while studying at the University. The fee varies depending on the location of the paper and duration of study. 

More information on the Student Services Fee and the services it funds.

Admission and enrolment charges

Admission and enrolment

Late enrolment $100.00
Late payment 10% or $100.00
DLit, LLD and DSc applications ($1500 examination fee, $500 application fee) $2,000.00
Charge for issuing a replacement cheque $18.00

Recognition of Prior Learning charges

Recognition of Prior Learning Cost
Challenge of examination (per paper) $205.00
Application fee (per application) $50.00

Parking (Hamilton campus)

Parking charges apply on the Hamilton campus Monday – Friday, 8.30am – 4.30pm (except public holidays). General parking outside of these times is free.

General parking Cost
One day (up to 24 hours) $2.00
One week (seven consecutive days) $6.00

Student A & B trimester concessions

One trimester (purchased at parking machines – requires a student ID number) $60.00
Halls of Residence student permits  
One trimester Halls of Residence permit (available from the Accommodation Office) $175.00
One year Halls of Residence permit - includes access to reserved Halls of Residence parking (available from the Accommodation Office) $350.00

Weekly and trimester parking concessions and Halls of Residence permits don’t guarantee you a parking spot if the carparks are full. The trimester option is only available to current students enrolled at the University of Waikato.

Student Health Service

Domestic students Cost
Domestic students enrolled in the Student Health Service (PHO) (per consultation) $10.00
Domestic students not enrolled in the Student Health Service (PHO) - Nurse appointment
With a Community Services Card (per consultation) $15.00
Without a Community Services Card (per consultation) $20.00
Domestic students not enrolled in the Student Health Service (PHO) - Doctor appointment
With a Community Services Card (per consultation) $30.00
Without a Community Services Card (per consultation) $45.00

ACC consultation surcharges and repeat prescription charges also apply to domestic students not enrolled with the PHO.

International students  
Using the Student Health Service (PHO) (per consultation) Varies depending on consultation type

Additional charges will be incurred for minor surgery/vaccinations/medical reports and all specialist procedures/services.

If you do not arrive for your scheduled appointment, an additional fee of $10.00 will apply.

International students

Find out more about non-tuition related fees and costs

International students refund administration charge

International students who withdraw their application or their enrolment before the start date of their programme will receive a 100% refund of pre-paid tuition fees less a $500 administration fee.

Students who withdraw their application or their enrolment after the start date of their programme but during the period for deletion of papers (refer to Clause 12 of the Change of Enrolment Regulations 2012), will receive a 100% refund of pre-paid tuition fees less a $2,000 administration fee.

For all other non-tuition costs see Table of Fees and Charges.