How do I become a Class Rep?
Step 1. Get elected
In the first two weeks of the semester your lecturer or tutor should call for expressions of interest in becoming a class rep, and will then hold elections to select a class rep. If this hasn't happened in your class, then please approach the lecturer to let them know you are interested.
Step 2. Get registered
Once you have been elected, then your lecturer should give you a link to a Class Rep Registration form to complete. If you do not have the link, please email
Please make a note of the training date that you have selected, so that you can put this in your calendar.
Step 3. Get trained
The WSU run the class rep training. Training is compulsory for first time class reps, but if you have been a rep before and you would like to do the training again you are very welcome.
On your registration form you will have selected the training date you wished to attend. All you need to do now is turn up to your scheduled training session. However, if you didn't select a date on the form, then please email: to let them know you are attending.
If you have any questions about the training, or if you can't attend any of the dates, then please contact the WSU on the email address above.
The WSU training presentation will be available once the training sessions have finished.
Step 4. Get rep-ing
It is important that you attend and contribute to departmental meetings, and that you consult regularly with your class, your fellow class reps, divisional student reps and the student representatives of the Academic Board. Don't forget, your role is to represent the views of your whole class, so it's important you are talking regularly with all your classmates to find out what their issues are, and how widespread these issues might be.
Step 5. Get support
We know that sometimes being a rep isn't always easy, so if you require any support in your role as a class rep, then please contact the WSU on email:
The WSU also run a drop in session during the semester every Tuesday 10am - 12pm in the SUB building. If you require any additional training or support then please feel free to drop in to see them.
Step 6. Get recognised
Your participation as a Class Rep will automatically be loaded onto your Employability Plus Programme transcript after the end of the semester. We'll email you to let you know once we've done this. If you find that any of your class rep details are missing from your EPP record, then please contact the Employability Plus team, email: