Welcome to the Class Rep website for students.  Thank you for your interest in being part of the University of Waikato's Class Rep system. Class representatives play a key connecting role between fellow students, University staff, and the Waikato Student Union (WSU).

The University of Waikato values student representation and student feedback as a core mechanism for maintaining academic quality, the social experience, and to promote a learning partnership between the University and students.

Kia ora!
Don't forget to sign up as a class rep. Contact student.reps@waikato.ac.nz or visit wsu.org.nz for more information.

Why is Class Representation important?

A class rep has an extremely important role.  They work collaboratively with staff to enhance the student experience, and help to facilitate communication between staff and students.  This can involve:

  • Representation, which might mean voicing and resolving concerns or issues relating to learning experiences in the class.
  • Consultation: providing constructive feedback regarding subject changes or general students' learning experience to the academic staff.
  • Learning enhancement by contributing to improvements of learning experience with regards to teaching and learning.

Each undergraduate class, regardless of size, elects at least one class rep at the beginning of each trimester.  Class reps meet in departmental meetings usually at least twice a trimester.

Class reps have their participation recorded on their transcript through the Employability Plus Programme, so you have a record to show future employers.

Class reps can go on to represent students on a number of other University committees, such as Divisional Boards and the Academic Board.

For further details check out:

For more information on being a class rep, please visit the WSU website.