Turnitin similarity reports and Feedback Studio

For staff on Turnitin Feedback Studio grading and Similarity reports.

Feedback Studio

Feedback Studio is the most comprehensive grading and feedback method at the University of Waikato. It provides several useful tools for online marking, including QuickMarks for frequently used comments, rubrics and grading forms, and both written and audio feedback. You are also able to access a Similarity layer as you grade. We recommend this option for marking online.

Feedback Studio grading is available for assignments that have been submitted electronically via Moodle, with Turnitin enabled.  
You can only enter grades in Feedback Studio when at least one assignment has been submitted. See How to access Feedback Studio


Turnitin similarity reports

The Similarity report gives lecturers the opportunity to monitor levels of academic integrity for students; where needed provide extra support and instruction in citation, referencing and academic writing techniques; and where needed establish evidence for student disciplinary complaints including plagiarism and other related misconduct matters.

We have created some step-by-step instructions for the most common tasks people ask us about.  Please let us know if there are other step-by-step instructions you would like us to create.