Information for staff

Information for staff about student misconduct.

Welcome / About us

When a student enrols, they sign a 'Student Declaration' agreeing to abide by the University of Waikato regulations as published in the University of Waikato Calendar and a breach of any of these regulations can result in a student misconduct complaint.

The definitions and processes for dealing with complaints of student misconduct are outlined in the Student Discipline Regulations.

The Student Discipline Committee is the group responsible for resolving complaints of misconduct. It consists of five members:

  • a Chairperson
  • two academic staff
  • two students

The Chairperson can delegate tasks to a Deputy Chairperson and to Academic Delegates based in the Divisions.

The five members are drawn from a pool of twelve staff and eight students.

The staff members are nominated and appointed by the Academic Board for three year terms which can be renewed.

The student members are appointed annually by the Chairperson of the Student Discipline Committee.

The current staff members are:

NZQA have developed a Guide to Effective Practice in Preventing and Detecting Academic Fraud for teaching staff. This contains practical suggestions for staff to implement in their teaching and assessment.

If you have any further questions you can contact the Academic Integrity Advisor on

Contact us

Physical address

The Student Discipline Manager
N Block (Law) N 2.10, Gate 7, Hillcrest Road, Hamilton
Office hours - Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.00pm

Postal address

Student Discipline Committee
Academic Office, University of Waikato, Private Bag 3105, Hamilton 3240, New Zealand