Help and support

There are many people and resources available to you at the University of Waikato to help you with your academic writing and to support those who may be subject to a complaint.

Student Learning

Student Learning is available to assist students with a wide range of study-related problems. The main focus of Student Learning is to help students acquire the skills to become independent, self-directed learners. All enrolled students of the University are welcome in Student Learning.

Their experienced and friendly tutors can help students understand and learn;

  • Time management in academic programmes
  • Taking notes in lectures
  • Reading academic articles or books
  • Understanding assignment instructions and requirements
  • Locating appropriate research material for assignments or tests
  • Planning and structuring assignments
  • Study techniques to prepare for tests and exams
  • Many other types of academic learning skills

There are different types of appointments that students can arrange with Student Learning tutors. These include;

  • Individual (private) consultations with a learning tutor
  • Drop-in sessions (private) with a learning tutor
  • Learning skills workshops

In addition, through their website they provide a range of on-line learning support materials, including self-access tutorials, learning skills handouts, and practice materials.

The Library

The Library offers specialised study and research assistance through a range of channels, including online guides to just about all-things library. The following pages will be useful:

Referencing is the process of citing or documenting the sources of quotes, theories ideas, illustrations and diagrams that you have used in writing your university assignments.  Referencing is an important feature of academic writing, and we know it’s one that can be confusing at times. That’s why the Library has put together a collection of resources to help you acknowledge your sources properly.  You can also use referencing software which can save time by helping you create and manage your references.

APA Referencing Guide This page is intended as an online resource for students and covers both the usage of the APA style and examples of how to reference/cite material.

Hands-on Tutorials The Library runs hands-on tutorials for students throughout the year. These tutorials focus on study and research methods and how to best utilise the tools available through the library.

Te Puna Tautoko

Te Puna Tautoko is a network of specialist support staff from across the University. The objective of this service is to ‘tautoko’, to ensure that Māori students get the most out of their time here at Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato. If you need assistance or advice relating to your studies or well being as a Māori student, kaua e whakamā - contact Alternatively you can stop by or contact your Faculty Māori Mentoring Unit.

International Services

The University of Waikato is dedicated to the success of its international students. There are a range of people employed especially to help you in all aspects of your life and study with us.

At Waikato University we have a number of staff dedicated specifically to meeting the needs of our international students including International Student Advisers and Administrators, Learning Development staff, accommodation coordinators, doctors, counsellors, and peer support groups. International Services are located in the Student Centre, Level 2 of the The Library.

Waikato Students' Union

The Waikato Students' Union provides an advocacy service for its members. If you need to meet with the Student Discipline Committee, they can help you understand what will happen at the meeting and among other things help you prepare the information you need to bring to the discipline meeting and support you when you attend.

Student Counselling Service

The University of Waikato provides a counselling service for students who are experiencing difficulties during their studies. They understand that sometimes it's not easy to make the decision to come to counselling, but it is a positive step in helping yourself. Counsellors can help with a range of problems by helping you find solutions that suit you. They have three trained counsellors, and a trainee counsellor to help you whenever something is interfering with your ability to succeed in your study programme.

Contact us

Physical address

The Student Discipline Manager
N Block (Law) N 2.10, Gate 7, Hillcrest Road, Hamilton
Office hours - Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.00pm

Postal address

Student Discipline Committee
Academic Office, University of Waikato, Private Bag 3105, Hamilton 3240, New Zealand