Inspiration for the Āmiomio Aotearoa Tohu (Design)

The name ‘Āmiomio Aotearoa’ was gifted to us by Professor/Manukura Tom Roa (Ngāti Maniapoto, Waikato).

Key elements incorporated into the tohu include reference to a takarangi (spiral), which promotes shifting states of energy, spiralling inwards and outwards. The koru represents growth and multiple koru are inclusive of Māori, NZ Europeans and other peoples. The swirling patterns between the koru represent the flowing waters, currents and swirls within the awa o Waikato (Waikato River), locating this collaboration within the University of Waikato and on the tribal lands of the Waikato people.

Āmiomio Aotearoa promotes the weaving of two knowledge systems: mātauranga Māori and western science.