CaDDANZ Research Projects

Discover research on mobility, migration, ethnicity, demographics, and regional disparities, along with a special focus on the implications for Māori and their engagement with diversity.

Project briefs

CaDDANZ Brief #1. Jackson, N., & Brabyn, L. (2019). The New Zealand Atlas of Population Change.

CaDDANZ Brief #2. Cameron, M. (2019). The cultural generation gap in New Zealand regions.

CaDDANZ Brief #3. Terruhn, J. (2019). International ESOL students’ sense of school belonging, inclusion and wellbeing.

CaDDANZ Brief #4. Spoonley, P. (2019). Visualising Auckland’s superdiversity.

CaDDANZ Brief #5. Peace, R., & Stone, G. (2019). ‘Seeing diversity’ in organisations: What are the challenges?

CaDDANZ Brief #6. Mare, D., & Poot, J. (2019). Valuing cultural diversity of New Zealand cities.

CaDDANZ Brief #7. Ryks, J. (2019). Māori heterogeneity in regional Aotearoa New Zealand: An exploratory study.

CaDDANZ Brief #8. Ran, G.J., Cain, T., Irvine, J., & Terruhn, J. (2020). Meanings and experiences of community among older adult residents of Northcote.

CaDDANZ Brief #9. Cain, T., Terruhn, J., Ran, G.J., & Irvine, J. (2020). Living with diversity: Negotiating difference in Northcote.

CaDDANZ Brief #10. Irvine, J., Ran, J.G., Terruhn, J., & Cain, T. (2020). Ageing and wellbeing in Northcote.

CaDDANZ Brief #11. Terruhn, J., Irvine, J., Cain, T., & Ran, J.G. (2020). Urban regeneration and community building in Northcote.

CaDDANZ Brief #12. Collins. F. L. (2021). Temporary migration in Invercargill and Queenstown amidst the Covid-19 global pandemic.

Ethno-demographic diversity

A range of interconnected projects, each with its own quantitative or qualitative method, fall within this theme

EDD1. Projection-based analyses of future ethnic composition will be carried out using state-of-the-art stochastic (probabilistic) ethnic population projections at national and subnational levels. 
Researcher: Michael Cameron

EDD2. A spatial microsimulation model of Auckland City will demonstrate the likely changes in ethnic diversity at the local level across the city. Project Brief
Researcher: Michael Cameron

EDD3. Summarising and monitoring diversity within the population requires identifying and using a range of multi-dimensional diversity measurements. In this project, the operationalisation of diversity measures innovatively extends common practices of measuring group diversity and spatial diversity to capture the properties of the joint distributions more effectively.
Researcher: Jacques Poot

EDD4. This project will examine intragenerational (individual), intergenerational (parent-child) and familial changes in ethnicity in NZ through a novel analysis of longitudinal census data (1981-2013).
Researcher: Tahu Kukutai

EDD5. The relationships between Māori cultural identity, and political and civic participation will be explored through statistical analyses of the inaugural and nationally representative Maori Social Survey.
Researcher: Tahu Kukutai

EDD6. A mixed-method project conceptualises and examines ethno-demographic diversity from an explicitly indigenous standpoint (Walter & Andersen, 2013). It is informed by the high-level question: What are the unique and shared aspirations of Māori  and migrants for living together productively? The project will use a mixed methods approach including semi-structured interviews with Māori  and migrants living in areas with low, medium and high levels of diversity and focus groups organised in collaboration with Maori and migrant stakeholders.
Researcher: Arama Rata

Societal impacts and opportunities

These projects concern the social, economic, political, cultural, environmental and infrastructural consequences of projected population change at national and sub-national levels

SIO1. The impact of ethno-demographic composition of firm employment on firm performance is a complex issue, given that there are many positive and negative channels of influence (Ozgen et al., 2013). Using the Integrated Data Infrastructure, we will investigate how firm innovation, productivity and growth are affected by demographic diversity, in the context of within firm and agglomeration wide determinants.
Researcher: Dave Mare
Project Brief

SIO2. A second set of quantitative projects concerns estimation of the impact of diversity on households in terms of wages received, wellbeing and housing markets.
Researcher: Dave Mare

SIO3. A mixed-method analysis of EDD as assessed through migration and population growth data.
Researcher: Francis Collins
Project Brief

SIO4. 'Urban encounters' and an understanding of commonplace diversity (Wessendorf, 2013) employs multiple research methods to reveal how everyday interactions, including practices of consumption (at events such as festivals/ethnic precincts) that occur in homeogeneous/heterogeneous communities in Auckland impact on how difference is understood, negotiated and contested. Cultural diversity enhances urban vibrancy and consumption opportunities.
Researcher: Jessica Terrruhn

SIO5. An internet map server that provides interactive Demographic Decision Support (DDS) will be developed. This will combine Geographic Information Systems (GIS) analysis and geo-visualisation functionality (Peterson, 2005) to assess population diversity statistics.
Researchers: Natalie Jackson and Lars Brabyn
Project Brief

SIO6A spatial analysis of the heterogeneity of Māori focusing on the distribution of mana whenua and mātāwaka in urban areas and regional centres. Customised iwi population data and geographic information systems will be used to understand the spatial distribution of mana whenua  and mātāwaka. The results of these analyses will be used to inform a discussion about the rights and interests of Māori in the regions as well as provide an understanding of the diversity of the Māori population and the benefits this diversity brings.
Researcher: John Ryks
Project Brief

SIO7. Social cohesion, along with social mobility and economic performance in a hyperdiversified city such as Auckland occurs in governed spaces.  This project titled Urban Governance, will undertake place-based analyses of integration initiatives that identify new governance arrangements focused on "increas[ing] communication between diverse groups and [facilitatiing] social cohesion, economic performance and social mobility" (Divercities, 2013).
Researcher: Jessica Terruhn

Institutional implications and responses

Both quantitative and qualitative projects contribute to this theme: developmental, impact and meta-evaluations, participatory action research, discourse analysis, and geographic information system mapping

IIR1. How key institutions have and are responding to diversity will be the focus. In the first case, those institutions that contribute to the state approach to diversity management/promotion, including to social cohesion, will be identified and approached to participate in formative, developmental evaluations (Patton 2011; Kellogg Foundation, 2010).
Researchers: Robin Peace and Geoff Stone

IIR2. A Participatory Action Research (PAR) in two schools will use a range of methods including Photovoice (Wilson et al., 2007) to investigate how diversity policy shapes students' experiences and understandings of diversity in practice (and place).
Researcher: Jessica Terruhn

IIR3. A meta-evaluation (Coryn et al, 2007; Stufflebeam, 2001) will synthesise the characteristics of successful interventions in ''diversity planning' across a range of institutions and populations to identify 'what works'.
Researcher: Robin Peace

IIR4. The societal value of the econometric modelling of the diversity impacts is enhanced by explicitly distinguishing between statistical and economic significance (e.g. Poot, 2014) and the implications of this distinction for policy formulation.
Researchers: Francis Collins, Robin Peace, Geoff Stone and Angelique Pratt

IIR5. Deconstructing discourse uses Participatory Action Research to understand how difference is understood and articulated by school students in two differently diverse secondary schools in Auckland.
Researchers: Jessica Terruhn and Ben Soltani

IIR6. Visualising and articulating diversity will examine how a diverse group of older adults live alongside each other in a single community (Northcote).
Researcher: Jessica Terruhn and Trudie Cain

IIR7. An evaluation of the DDS's effectiveness will reveal the most efficient ways to disseminate the consequences of geo-referenced demographic trends and identify the strengths and weaknesses of the implementation of the support system at various organisations.
Researcher: Natalie Jackson

A meta-synthesis of all research components will be completed in the final year synthesising the quantitative and qualitative elements of the research. The results of this synthesis will published in ebook form.