Reading Recovery Manager South Island
- MOE Accredited
- English Medium Accredited
- Embedding language, culture and identity
- Engaging whānau and communities
- Enhancing student agency
- Literacy and Te Reo Matatini
- Reading Recovery
2009 Master of Teaching and Learning University of Canterbury
1999 Bachelor of Education Christchurch College of Education
1974 Trained Teacher's Certificate Christchurch College of Education
My Experience
Tēnā koutou katoa
He mihi aroha tenei ki a koutou
I ahu mai au i tuawhenua, i raro, i te maunga o Maungatere
I te taha o ngā wai tapu o Waipara, e Ngā Pākihi Whakatekateka o Waitaha ki te Waipounamu
He whānau atua whiowhio toku whānau.
Ko Chris Henderson tōku ingoa
I am a passionate educator who has extensive experience and success as a teacher, leader and facilitator in the NZ education system. I enjoy working collaboratively with others to ensure that everyone benefits from learning together. Integral to my work is a focus on our students being recognised and appreciated for their unique identities, languages and culture and using this knowledge to build successful learning experiences.
In my role as National Leader; Accelerating Learning in Literacy I have the privilege of visiting and working with many schools across New Zealand. This affords me the opportunity of appreciating the diversity of our schools and reinforces my desire that we truly honour and enact te Tiriti o Waitangi on a daily basis.
My responsibility as a Professional Learning and Development facilitator is to ensure that I work closely with the school leaders and teachers to appreciate their existing expertise and then co-design a student centred bespoke response to the needs in their school.
When I am not at work I enjoy time with family and friends, a quiet read and a good game of tennis!