Te Ngira Institute for Population Research

Te Ngira Institute for Population Research is Aotearoa’s only dedicated population research centre. We carry out world-leading research in the areas of Indigenous demography and data sovereignty, temporary migration and Pacific health equity. Our name was inspired by a well-known tongikura (proverbial sayings made famous by Māori monarchs) from the first Māori King, Pootatau Te Wherowhero:
Kotahi te kōwhao o te ngira e kuhuna
ai te miro ma, te miro pango, te miro whero
There is but one eye of a needle,
through which white, black and red cotton are threaded
These words capture our team’s commitment to undertaking excellent and transformative population research that draws on multiple knowledges, disciplines and methodologies.
Our research is widely used by decision-makers in Te Ao Māori, government agencies, communities, and the private sector to help inform choices and responses to the demographic, social and economic interactions that are shaping Aotearoa’s future. Te Ngira also offers a unique research-led major in population studies and graduate degrees in population studies and demography. Our graduates are highly sought after for academic, Iwi, government and NGO research and leadership roles in Aotearoa and internationally.
Te Ngira researchers are internationally and locally recognised and work across the four inter-connected themes.
Te Ngira researchers' inter-connected themes

Study Population and Demography at Te Ngira
Te Ngira: Institute for Population research Aotearoa's sole national institute of demographic and population-focused research, and the only such unit to