Advocating for and with mokopuna: Perspectives from the Chief Children's Commissioner by Dr Claire Achmad

In this kōrero Dr Achmad will provide an overview of her work as Chief Children's Commissioner and the role of Mana Mokopuna.

Dr Claire Achmad has been Aotearoa New Zealand's Chief Children's Commissioner since November 2024. In this role she leads Mana Mokopuna - Children and Young People's Commission, the independent advocate working for and with mokopuna (children and young people) to promote, advance and protect children's rights, participation and well-being.

Dr Achmad will share some recent advocacy that she has been leading out on, including with a focus on all mokopuna growing up safe and well, especially in light of the systemic recommendations to strengthen the children's system and to prevent child abuse.

This kōrero will be online via ZOOM.