Male-perpetrated intimate partner homicide - Te Puna Haumaru Seminar Series
- Thursday 30 May 2024
- Online
- Dr Apriel Jolliffe Simpson
- Free
You are invited to join us for the next seminar in the Te Puna Haumaru Seminar Series, entitled "Male-perpetrated intimate partner homicide: Challenging the 'out of the blue' narrative"
Dr Li Eriksson from Griffith University will present this seminar on Thursday 30th May from 2-3pm online.
Intimate partner homicides perpetrated by men are sometimes portrayed in the media as occurring ‘out of the blue’, i.e., without warning signs. Such media narratives are often episodically framed, victim blaming, and signal to readers that intimate partner homicide cannot possibly be prevented. This presentation examines past offending patterns, history of substance abuse, and indicators of coercive control among men who commit intimate partner homicide. The data are taken from the Australian Homicide Project, run at Griffith University, which is a large-scale project examining the precursors and contexts to homicide. The full project consists of self-report data collected through interviews with 302 men and women convicted of murder of manslaughter in Australia. The current presentation focuses on those men in the sample who had killed an intimate partner. Ultimately, the findings contradict the narrative of intimate partner homicide occurring ‘out of the blue’.