Emergencies at the University of Waikato

Learn what to do in case of an emergency on campus. Includes safety tips and contact info.


There is currently no emergency or active incident at the University of Waikato. This is a holding site in case an emergency happens.


In case of an emergency at the University of Waikato, this website – waikato.ac.nz – will be your official site for information and updates.

As a member of the University of Waikato community – whether you're a staff member, student, tenant, visitor, or neighbour – this website is your go-to source for emergency information and safety guidelines.

If you are external to the University we will provide media releases and contact information so you can keep up to date with what's happening.  

In case of emergency

In case of an emergency please dial 111 and report it to emergency services (Police, Fire, Ambulance) in the first instance. 


Then call Unisafe on 4444 from a University landline, or 07 838 4444 from a mobile to report it.   

Emergencies on campus

If an emergency happens on campus please pay close attention to any official messages issued by the University. Follow any instructions from either Police, Fire or Ambulance who may be leading the response to an emergency onsite.

Official channels for University updates may include but are not limited to: 

  • Information/updates on this website

  • The loud siren at the Hamilton campus or a PA announcement at the Tauranga campus – indicating a campus lockdown

  • Emails to staff and students
  • Emergency SMS text messages to staff and student mobile phones

First response

When an emergency happens: 

  • Keep calm

  • Alert those around you

  • If you have received instructions, follow those instructions

  • If no instructions have been provided, use your best judgement

  • If you require urgent help, call 111 and notify Unisafe.

You may be required to take one of several actions when an emergency first happens.

Two of the most immediate actions will be: 


  • Leave quickly by the nearest exit (follow the building exit signage) unless instructed otherwise

  • Evacuate to a safe area clear of all buildings, roads and potential hazards – check the blue fire notices inside each building for the nearest evacuation point

  • Move quickly and calmly – keep noise to a minimum and leave belongings behind

  • Comply with requests issued by building/floor wardens (identified via fluorescent vests), Unisafe (Campus Security) or emergency services

  • Floor wardens will check their allocated areas, especially toilets and storage areas, and lecturers will check teaching spaces during normal University hours  – outside these hours and on weekends, please check as you evacuate 

  • Help people with mobility or accessibility requirements to reach a safe evacuation point.    

Campus lockdown 

A lockdown will be indicated by:

  • Hamilton campus: ringing of a loud siren like those used by volunteer fire brigades
  • Tauranga campus: PA announcement.

Internal threat lockdowns:

  • May be used in case of an act or threat of violence on campus 

  • Access-controlled doors will lock – entry will be disabled 

  • You should stay in your office or building, seek cover and stay quiet

  • Please remain inside until an all-clear is given. 

External threat lockdowns:

  • May be used when there is a situation in the area surrounding the University campus that could be a threat to staff, students and other campus users 

  • Access-controlled doors will lock – entry will be disabled

  • You should stay in your office or building, seek cover and stay quiet

  • Please remain inside until an all-clear is given. 

Emergency contacts

Phone number
 Police, Fire and Emergency NZ (FENZ), or Ambulance  111
 Unisafe (Campus Security)  07 838 4444
 Chemical emergencies  07 838 8888

 Student Health Services

Emergency: 07 838 4999 

Non-emergency: 07 838 4037 

 National Poisons Centre  0800 764 766
 University Service Desk  07 838 4008

Threats to personal safety

Suspicious behaviour and security incidents 

  • Call Police on 111 and advise Unisafe

  • Observe from a safe distance and location until Unisafe staff arrive

  • Provide the time, location, a description of people involved, any mode of transport observed, anything touched or taken, their direction of travel and any other information which may be useful to Police. 

Threatening behaviour 

  • Obey instructions and keep calm

  • Remove yourself and others from immediate danger if possible and safe to do so

  • Do not argue, try to negotiate, take risks, or try to disarm the person. 

Active armed offender on campus 

A continuous warning siren will notify you of a lockdown. If a lockdown is initiated, all outside electronically controlled doors will lock.  

If inside: 

  • Move out of hallways and into an office or classroom

  • Lock the doors and turn off lights 

  • Seek cover out of sight 

  • If possible, call 111 and notify Unisafe – if you can’t speak, leave the line open 

  • Silence mobile phones but do not turn them off

  • Wait for the Police to come and find you

  • Don’t open the door or respond to commands unless you are certain they are from Police or Unisafe. 

If outside: 

  • Leave belongings behind and run 

  • Seek cover behind solid objects like concrete walls 

  • Stay down and do not move – stay quiet and silence mobile phones, but do not turn them off

  • Call 111 and follow directions from Police. 


Staying prepared at home

A disaster can strike at any time and you could be anywhere – at work, at home, or out and about. 

It pays to have an emergency kit ready at home and to know what to do if a natural disaster happens. 

The Government’s official Civil Defence preparedness site GetThru will give you all the information and tips you need to keep yourself and your family safe during a disaster, including what to include in your emergency survival kit, getaway kit and first aid kit.  

Responsibilities of University staff

During normal operating hours, the appointed Building and Floor wardens deal with any building evacuations. These evacuations are completed with the assistance of academic staff, who have responsibility for evacuating their own teaching area. 

After normal business hours, building evacuations/emergencies are coordinated by Unisafe staff. 

Unisafe should be contacted on 07 838 4444 in any emergency.