Professor Alpana Roy

Professor Trevor Daya-Winterbottom
Associate Dean of Research

Dr Anna Marie Brennan
Research Associate

Associate Professor Nathan Cooper
Associate Professor

Dr Leo Liao
Senior Lecturer

Ms Jennifer Campion
Associate Dean Academic - Special Projects

Ms Gay Morgan
Senior Lecturer

Dr Sam Campbell

Professor Barry Barton

Professor Claire Breen

Professor Alexander Gillespie

Professor Valmaine Toki
Judge Leilani Tuala-Warren
Dean Te Piringa Faculty of Law

Associate Professor Robert Joseph
Director of Maori Indigenious Goverance Centre

Associate Professor Wayne Rumbles

Associate Professor Linda Te Aho
Associate Professor

Dr Alberto Alvarez-Jimenez
Senior Lecturer

Associate Professor Juliet Chevalier-Watts
Associate Professor

Mr Joel Manyam
Senior Lecturer

Dr Rhys Aston

Ms Unaisi Narawa

Dr Amanda Turnbull
Research Associate

Dr Dara Dimitrov

Mrs Sue Wardill
Senior Tutor
Emeritus, Honorary, and Adjunct Faculty
- Professor Gerald D.G.Bailey QSO LLB Cant HonD Waikato
- Professor Justice Sir David Baragwanath LLB Auck BCL Oxf
- Professor Margaret Bedggood QSO LLB Otago MA NZ and Lond
- Professor Richard Benton Dip.Tchg. NZ Dept of Ed BA Auck MA PhD (Linguistics) Hawaii
- Judge Stephen Clark LLB Auck BA Waikato GradDipDR Waikato
- Judge Craig Coxhead BSocSc LLB(Hons) LLM Waikato
- Professor Donna Craig BA (UNSW) LLB (UNSW) LLM (Osgoode)
- Professor Kate Diesfeld BA Colgate USA JD University of San Diego
- Sir Eddie Durie BA LLB HonD Well, Waikato and Massey
- Professor John Farrar LLB (Hons) LLM LLD London PhD Bristol
Professor Alex Frame LLB Auck LLM LLD Well - Professor Anna Grear LLB (Hons) University of Bristol, UK BCL University of Oxford, UK
- Justice Christine Grice LLB (Hons) Cant CNZM
- Professor Michael Hahn Ref.iur, Ass.iur. Frankfurt/Main, LL.M. Michigan, Dr.iur utr. Heidelberg
- The Honourable Paul Heath QC LLB Auck
- Professor Paul Hunt BA (Hons) MA Camb MJur (Hons) Waikato HonD NSPH
- Judge Stephanie Milroy LLB Auck LLM Waikato
- Professor Philip Morgan QC LLB Auck
- Professor Bradford Morse BA (Rutgers), LLB (UBC), LLM (Osgoode)
- Judge Belinda Pidwell BA (German/English) LLB Auck
- Judge Peter Spiller BA LLB PhD Natal LLM MPhil Camb PhD Cant PGCTT Waikato Dip RS Dip SS (CIANZ)
- Judge Arthur Tompkins LLB Cant LLM Camb
- Professor Sally Wheeler D Phil, MA OXON
- Justice Joe Williams LLB LLM (Hons) BrCol
- Emeritus Professor Margaret Wilson