Computer Science Subject regulations
Computer Science involves the study of all aspects of computers: their technology, algorithms and programming, underlying theory, and their application.
The Bachelor of Computer Science (BCompSc) is a focussed programme of computing papers - see the Qualification Regulations for the BCompSc for the required papers.
Computer Science is available as a first major for the Bachelor of Computing and Mathematical Sciences with Honours (BCMS(Hons)) and the Bachelor of Science (BSc). Computer Science was available as a first major for the Bachelor of Science (Technology) (BSc(Tech)). Computer Science may also be included as a second major or minor in other undergraduate degrees, subject to approval of the Division in which the student is enrolled.
To complete Computer Science as a single major for the BCMS(Hons), BSc or the BSc(Tech), students must gain 135 points from papers listed for Computer Science, including 105 points above 100 level, and 45 points above 200 level.
BCMS(Hons) and BSc students must complete COMPX101 or ENGEN103, COMPX102, COMPX201, COMPX202, COMPX234, COMPX225 or COMPX216, COMPX361, and at least 15 points from List B. Students in the BCMS(Hons) will also need to take at least 60 points in the subject of Computer Science at 500 level, including COMPX520.
BSc(Tech) students must complete COMPX101 or ENGEN103, COMPX102, COMPX201, COMPX202, COMPX203, COMPX204, COMPX301 or COMPX361 and at least 15 points from List B.
To complete Computer Science as part of a double major for the BCMS(Hons), BSc or other undergraduate degree, students must gain 120 points from papers listed for Computer Science, including 90 points above 100 level, and 30 points above 200 level. Students must complete COMPX101 or ENGEN103, COMPX102, COMPX201, COMPX202, COMPX234, COMPX225 or COMPX216, COMPX361 and 15 points from List B. Students in the BCMS(Hons) will also need to take at least 60 points in the subject of their first major at 500 level including COMPX520 if Computer Science is the first major.
The List B papers are: COMPX301, COMPX304, COMPX307, COMPX310, COMPX322, COMPX323, COMPX341, COMPX349, and ENGEE319.
To complete a minor in Computer Science, students must complete 60 points from the papers listed for Computer Science. Students must complete COMPX101 and COMPX102. At least 30 points must be above 100 Level. CSMAX170, COMPX251, COMPX252 and CSMAX270 cannot be counted towards the minor. The minor in Computer Science is not available in the BCompSc.
There will be no new enrolments in the following programmes: BSc(Tech) in Computer Science, BCMS(Hons) in Computer Science, BCompSc with a specified programme in Embedded Systems, and BCompSc with a specified programme in Data Analytics. Students enrolled in these programmes previously should consult the Division of STEM for programme advice.
Other qualifications
Prescriptions for:
BCompSc The qualification regulations define the requirements for the Bachelor of Computer Science.
IntDip(CompSc)[1] The International Diploma (Computer Science) is primarily available to international students as an alternative pathway to the second year of a Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree with a major in Computer Science or Data Analytics, or the Bachelor of Computer Science (BCompSc) degree.
Students must complete COMPX101, COMPX102, DATAX111, ENSLA100, MATHS135, MATHS165, a further two papers dependant on the degree entered into (as below), and the four modules INDIP101, INDIP102, INDIP103 and INDIP104.
Students wishing to progress to the BSc should also complete COMPX161 and one of CSMAX175 or MATHS168.
Students wishing to progress to the BCompSc should take MGSYS101, and one of CSMAX175 or MATHS168.
GradCert(CompSc) and GradDip(CompSc) A Graduate Certificate and Graduate Diploma are available to graduates who have not included Computer Science at an advanced level in their first degree.
For further details, contact the Division of STEM Office.
PGCert(CompSc), PGDip(CompSc), BSc(Hons), MSc and MSc(Res) The papers ENGME585 and LEGAL526 would not normally be considered papers in the subject of Computer Science.
The papers COMPX568 and COMPX569 are available only for the PGCertInfoTech and the 240 point MInfoTech.
The papers CSMAX596 and RPLCR570 are available only for the MInfoTech, while the paper CSMAX570 is available only for the MInfoTech and MTIB.
The papers COMPX520 and COMPX577 are normally available only for the BCMS(Hons) and BCMS degrees, respectively.
To complete a PGCert(CompSc), students must complete 60 points at 500 level consisting of 60 points from papers listed in the subject of Computer Science.
To complete a PGDip(CompSc), students must complete 120 points at 500 level including at least 90 points from papers listed in the subject of Computer Science.
Enrolment in papers towards the BSc(Hons) is only by invitation of the Head of School. To complete a BSc(Hons) in Computer Science, students must complete 120 points at 500 level, including at least 60 points from the papers listed in the subject of Computer Science, of which at least 30 points must be in research (normally COMPX591).
To complete an MSc in Computer Science, students admitted under section 2(a) of the MSc regulations must complete 180 points at 500 level including COMPX592 and at least 60 points from papers listed in the subject of Computer Science.
To complete an MSc (Research) in Computer Science, students admitted under section 2(a) of the MSc (Research) regulations must complete 180 points at 500 level consisting of COMPX594 and 60 points from papers listed in the subject of Computer Science.
Candidates for these graduate qualifications should select their papers in consultation with the Graduate Advisor of the Department of Computer Science.
PGDip(CyberSec) and MCS To complete a PGDip(CyberSec), students must complete 120 points at 500 level including one of COMPX508 or COMPX519, one of COMPX511 or COMPX517, COMPX515, and COMPX527.
The compulsory papers for the Master of Cyber Security degree are one of COMPX508 or COMPX519, one of COMPX511 or COMPX517, COMPX515, COMPX527, and either COMPX520 and COMPX585 or COMPX592 or COMPX593.
Students admitted into the 120-point Master of Cyber Security will be given appropriate waivers on the compulsory papers based on the 500-level study completed prior to admittance.
PGCertInfoTech and MInfoTech Candidates enrolled in the PGCertInfoTech must complete 60 points from COMPX568 and COMPX569.
Candidates enrolled in the 120 point [Masters}( must complete 60 points from CSMAX596, 15 points from CSMAX570 or other approved paper, and at least 45 points from the 500 level Computer Science or Geography papers listed below (excluding COMPX568 and COMPX569), or courses listed in the University of Auckland Master of Information Technology Schedule.
Candidates enrolled in the 180 point MInfoTech must complete 60 points from CSMAX596, 15 points chosen from CSMAX570, 15 points from ENGME585, GEOGY558, or other approved papers, and at least 90 points from the 500 level Computer Science or Geography papers listed below (excluding COMPX568 and COMPX569), or courses listed in the University of Auckland Master of Information Technology Schedule.
Candidates enrolled in the 240 point MInfoTech must complete 60 points from COMPX568 and COMPX569, 60 points from CSMAX596, 15 points from CSMAX570, 15 points chosen from ENGME585, GEOGY558, or other approved papers, and at least 90 points from the 500 level Computer Science or Geography papers listed below, or courses listed in the University of Auckland Master of Information Technology Schedule.
MPhil The Master of Philosophy is a one year research-based degree in which students undertake a programme of approved and supervised research that leads to a thesis which critically investigates an approved topic of substance and significance, demonstrates expertise in the methods of research and scholarship, displays intellectual independence and makes a substantial original contribution to the subject area concerned, and is of publishable quality.
PhD The Doctor of Philosophy is a three year research-based degree in which students undertake a programme of approved and supervised research that leads to a thesis which critically investigates an approved topic of substance and significance, demonstrates expertise in the methods of research and scholarship, displays intellectual independence and makes a substantial original contribution to the subject area concerned, and is of publishable quality.
Computer Science papers
Code and paper title | Points | |
Introduction to Programming
This paper introduces computer programming in C# - the exciting challenge of creating software and designing artificial worlds within the computer... |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) & 25A (Online) & 25B (Hamilton) & 25B (Hamilton Waikato College) & 25B (Secondary School - Unistart) & 25X (Hainan University, Haikou China) & 25X (Hangzhou City University, Hangzhou China) |
Object-Oriented Programming
This paper builds on introductory programming experience, and assumes a knowledge of basic programming techniques, which it expands on particularly... |
15 | 25B (Hamilton) & 25B (Secondary School - Unistart) & 25B (Tauranga) & 25C (Hamilton Waikato College) & 25H (Hamilton) & 25X (Hainan University, Haikou China) & 25X (Hangzhou City University, Hangzhou China) |
Exploring Innovative Technologies
This laboratory-based paper introduces a range of innovative technologies with applications across all disciplines. The hands-on laboratory programme... |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) & 25B (Hamilton) |
Introduction to the Web
This paper introduces the core Web technologies of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Students will learn how to combine these technologies with design... |
15 | 25B (Hamilton) & 25B (Hamilton Waikato College) & 25I (Hangzhou City University, Hangzhou China) & 25X (Hangzhou City University, Hangzhou China) |
Introduction to Digital Professional Skills
This paper centres on Digital Professional Skills essential to succeed in a Digital and ICT Career. In this paper, students will be introduced to... |
15 | 25B (Tauranga) |
Foundations in Computing and Mathematical Sciences
The objective of this paper is to provide students with the academic foundations for computing and mathematical sciences. The paper will cover the... |
15 | No occurrences |
Introduction to Cyber Security
This paper provides an introduction to Cyber Security through the exploration of concepts such as digital information, digital identities, digital... |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) & 25A (Hamilton Waikato College) & 25A (Tauranga) & 25X (Hainan University, Haikou China) |
Statistics for Science
An introductory paper in statistics that uses Microsoft Excel. Topics include the collection and presentation of data, hypothesis testing, confidence... |
15 | 25B (Hamilton) & 25B (Tauranga) & 25C (Hamilton Waikato College) |
Introduction to Statistical Methods
An introductory paper in statistics that uses R. Topics include the collection and presentation of data, hypothesis testing, confidence intervals... |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) & 25A (Secondary School - Unistart) & 25G (Online) & 25X (Hainan University, Haikou China) |
The World of Digital Business
Information and communications technologies are fundamentally changing business operations. This paper introduces all aspects associated with the... |
15 | 25B (Hamilton) & 25VB (National Economics University, Vietnam) |
Introduction to Communication Design Production
This paper enables students to perform basic computing operations and to operate software packages for the manipulation of visual images and text for... |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) & 25A (Online) & 25A (Secondary School - Unistart) & 25X (Hangzhou City University, Hangzhou China) |
Engineering Computing
This paper introduces computer programming in languages such as the MATLAB and Python languages. It provides the basis for the programming skills... |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) & 25A (Tauranga) & 25G (Hamilton) & 25X (Hainan University, Haikou China) |
Electricity for Engineers
Concepts underlying electricity such as current, voltage and power will be introduced, and apply these concepts to analyse electrical energy systems. |
15 | 25B (Hamilton) & 25B (Tauranga) & 25X (Hamilton) |
English for Academic Purposes
This module is part of a suite of four modules designed to develop English language skills for academic purposes as well as cultivate the study... |
0 | 25A (Hamilton) & 25C (Hamilton) |
Positive Learning Practices
This module is part of a suite of four modules designed to develop English language skills for academic purposes as well as cultivate the study... |
0 | 25A (Hamilton) & 25C (Hamilton) & 25W (Hamilton) |
Academic Skills and Practices
This module is part of a suite of four modules designed to develop English language skills for academic purposes as well as cultivate the study... |
0 | 25A (Hamilton) & 25B (Hamilton) |
Critical Reflection
This module is part of a suite of modules designed to develop English language skills for academic purposes as well as cultivate the study skills... |
0 | 25B (Hamilton) & 25C (Hamilton) |
Discrete Structures
An introduction to a number of the structures of discrete mathematics with wide applicability in areas such as: computer logic, analysis of... |
15 | 25B (Hamilton) & 25B (Secondary School - Unistart) & 25B (Tauranga) & 25C (Hamilton Waikato College) & 25X (Hainan University, Haikou China) |
General Mathematics
An introduction to algebra, calculus, and their applications for students without NCEA Level 3 Mathematics. Students who meet the prerequisites of... |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) & 25B (Hamilton Waikato College) |
Preparatory Mathematics
This paper covers basic algebraic concepts, along with an introduction to statistics and calculus. It is intended for those who wish to improve their... |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) & 25A (Hamilton Waikato College) & 25B (Hamilton) & 25JS (Hamilton) |
Digital Business and Supply Chain Management
This paper explores the dual concepts of digital business and supply chain management. The interactive lectures help in developing critical thinking... |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) & 25A (Tauranga) & 25B (Hamilton) & 25VA (Internet National Economics University, Vietnam) & 25X (Hangzhou City University, Hangzhou China) |
Code and paper title | Points | |
Data Structures and Algorithms
This paper covers object-oriented software development in Java focusing on abstract data types and dynamic data structures, while introducing design... |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) & 25A (Tauranga) & 25X (Hainan University, Haikou China) & 25X (Hangzhou City University, Hangzhou China) |
Mobile Computing and Software Architecture
This paper continues object-oriented software development in Java, but also touching on alternative approaches. It introduces software development... |
15 | 25B (Hamilton) & 25B (Tauranga) & 25X (Hainan University, Haikou China) & 25X (Hangzhou City University, Hangzhou China) |
Computer Systems
This paper provides an overview of the operation of computer systems. The central theme is the way in which the hardware and software co-operate to... |
15 | No occurrences |
Practical Networking and Cyber Security
This paper provides an overview of the technologies and protocols involved in computer communications and cyber security. Practical work includes... |
15 | No occurrences |
Artificial Intelligence
This paper provides an introduction to artificial intelligence, including techniques for knowledge representation and reasoning, searching and... |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) & 25A (Tauranga) & 25X (Hainan University, Haikou China) |
Programming for Creative Industries
A fundamental grounding in object-oriented programming that uses Processing software to creative visual outputs for creative industries. |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) |
Web Development
This paper provides a broad overview of the principles and technologies used in Web Applications, with practical experience of client-side and... |
15 | 25X (Hangzhou City University, Hangzhou China) |
Introduction to Databases and Web Development
This paper provides a broad overview of the principles and technologies used in creating Web Applications, with practical experience of client-side... |
15 | 25B (Hamilton) & 25B (Tauranga) & 25X (Hainan University, Haikou China) |
Computer Hardware and Microprocessors
A study of microprocessors, starting with how to design and realise a microprocessor using a hardware description language, and further, how the... |
15 | 25B (Hamilton) |
Systems and Networks
A study on principles of operating systems and networking and how they are applied to existing systems. It begins with the principles of operating... |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) & 25A (Tauranga) & 25X (Hainan University, Haikou China) |
Cybersecurity Engineering
A study of cyber security principles supported by relevant examples and hands-on work to develop cyber security skills. |
15 | 25B (Hamilton) |
Software Engineering Design 1
This paper covers object-oriented software development in Java focusing on abstract data types and dynamic data structures, while introducing design... |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) |
Software Engineering Design 2
This paper continues object-oriented software development in Java introducing design methodologies in software architecture, detailed design, design... |
15 | 25B (Hamilton) & 25B (Tauranga) |
Applied Computing Tools 1
This paper enables students to widen their experience of computer software using an intensive laboratory programme. Students select from a variety of... |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) & 25B (Hamilton) & 25H (Hamilton) & 25X (Hangzhou City University, Hangzhou China) |
Applied Computing Tools 2
This paper provides an opportunity to explore several software applications in depth. It is based on an intensive laboratory programme, where... |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) & 25B (Hamilton) & 25H (Hamilton) |
Introduction to Software Development Methodologies
This paper focuses on current software development and IT Operations employed to improve software delivery, quality, and efficiency. In this paper... |
15 | 25B (Tauranga) |
Technology and Complex Problems
This paper centres on Complex Problem Solving in Context (e.g., within real world scenarios). In this paper, students will learn how to identify... |
15 | 25H (Hamilton) |
Directed Study
A directed study involving the design, implementation and testing of the solution to a hardware and/or software engineering problem and production of... |
15 | 25X (Hamilton) & 25X (Tauranga) |
Cultural Perspectives for Computing and Mathematical Sciences
The paper provides students with an understanding of scientific and culture-specific perspectives on issues in computing and mathematical sciences... |
15 | 25B (Hamilton) & 25B (Tauranga) |
Code and paper title | Points | |
Design and Analysis of Algorithms
This course is for students interested in the art and science of computer programming. It is concerned with advanced data structures and their... |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) |
Advanced Networking and Cyber Security
An advanced study of networking, leading to an introduction to cybersecurity. The networking component in the paper provides an in-depth, real-world... |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) |
Principles of Programming Languages
The design, implementation and use of programming languages, in particular the use of functional languages to implement imperative languages will be... |
15 | 25B (Hamilton) |
Machine Learning
This paper introduces Machine Learning (ML) which is the science of making predictions. ML algorithms strive to be fast and highly accurate, while... |
15 | 25B (Hamilton) & 25X (Hainan University, Haikou China) |
Mobile Computing and the Internet of Things
This paper teaches how to develop software for mobile devices and its interaction with the Internet of Things |
15 | 25X (Hangzhou City University, Hangzhou China) |
Advanced Web Development
This paper covers a range of topics relating to the development of web applications. These include the latest developments in HTML, CSS and... |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) & 25A (Tauranga) & 25X (Hangzhou City University, Hangzhou China) |
Advanced Database Concepts
This paper provides an introduction to the advanced features of database management systems. Students will learn to use and manipulate advanced... |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) |
User Experience Design
An introduction to the field of user experience - where students develop skills and techniques for the design and evaluation of interfaces for... |
15 | 25B (Hamilton) & 25B (Tauranga) & 25X (Hangzhou City University, Hangzhou China) |
Computer Vision
This paper provides an introduction to modern computer vision techniques based on deep learning methods. |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) |
Natural Language Processing
This paper provides an introduction to modern natural language processing techniques based on deep learning methods. |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) |
Software Engineering Methods
Software Engineering is the systematic design, construction, testing and maintenance of software systems. The various processes (and engineering... |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) |
Applied Computational Methods
This paper explores numerical methods with applications to real world problems. A verity of classes of problems will be introduced, and appropriate... |
15 | 25X (Hainan University, Haikou China) |
Embedded Systems
15 | 25B (Hamilton) |
Logic and Computation
The syllabus includes: further development of predicate logic with application to program verification; mathematical induction including structural... |
15 | 25B (Hamilton) & 25B (Tauranga) & 25X (Hainan University, Haikou China) |
Computational Mathematics
Introduces numerical methods for solving various mathematical problems. |
15 | 25B (Hamilton) |
Computer Science Work Placement
This paper provides a full-immersion, authentic work experience that is relevant to a student's study, in a professional workplace. |
30 | 25X (Hamilton) |
Software Engineering Industry Project
Students work in small groups to engineer a prototype for a medium-sized software project. Following established software engineering design... |
15 | 25B (Hamilton) & 25B (Tauranga) |
Directed Study
A directed study involving the design, implementation and testing of the solution to a hardware and/or software engineering problem and production of... |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) & 25A (Tauranga) & 25B (Hamilton) & 25B (Tauranga) & 25X (Hamilton) & 25X (Tauranga) |
Work-Integrated Learning Directed Study
Students carry out an independent work-related project on an approved topic under staff supervision. |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) & 25A (Tauranga) & 25B (Hamilton) & 25B (Tauranga) & 25X (Hamilton) & 25X (Tauranga) |
Work-Integrated Learning Directed Study
Students carry out an independent work-related project on an approved topic under staff supervision. |
30 | 25A (Hamilton) & 25A (Tauranga) & 25B (Hamilton) & 25B (Tauranga) & 25X (Hamilton) & 25X (Tauranga) |
Visual Data Communication
This paper focuses on the skills and knowledge for communicating with data. A variety of methods of communicating and presenting data will be covered. |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) |
Smart Grids and the Internet of Things
This paper is concerned with the application of sensors and IoT to modern smart grid electrical power systems including; sensor interfacing, data... |
15 | 25B (Hamilton) |
Code and paper title | Points | |
Malware Analysis
In this paper we will cover the cyber security topic of malware analysis to understand, analyse and detect malicious code. Students will also be... |
15 | 25B (Hamilton) |
Cyber Security Operations
This paper provides students with theoretical and practical skills to defend organisations against cyberattacks. Students will learn about threat... |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) |
Security for Advanced Networks
A study on Internet security, covering the most relevant attacking and mitigation strategies. Networks have evolved considerably in the last decade... |
15 | 25B (Hamilton) |
Vulnerability Analysis and Exploitation
This paper covers topics related to vulnerability analysis and exploitation. Selected vulnerabilities with a focus on memory corruption will be... |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) |
Cyber Security
This paper introduces the key topics in the important field of cyber security. It will cover various aspects of defensive, offensive and preventative... |
15 | No occurrences |
Malware Analysis and Penetration Testing
This paper goes through two important aspects of Cyber Security. It first covers the defensive security techniques of malware analysis and then... |
15 | No occurrences |
A directed study investigation and report on an approved project or study topic under the supervision of a lecturer. Students should obtain the... |
45 | 25D (Hamilton) & 25I (Hamilton) & 25X (Hamilton) |
Interpretable Machine Learning
This paper exposes students to algorithms for learning interpretable machine learning models such as decision trees and rule sets and includes... |
15 | 25B (Hamilton) |
Machine Learning for Data Streams
Data streams are everywhere, from F1 racing over electricity networks to news feeds. Data stream mining relies on and develops new incremental... |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) |
Deep Learning
This paper provides an introduction into Deep Learning, focussing on both algorithms and applications. It covers both the basics of Neural networks... |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) |
Secure Cloud Application Engineering
Software Engineering on the Cloud is extremely prevalent nowadays. In this paper, you will learn how to design, develop and test cloud-native... |
15 | 25B (Hamilton) |
Information Visualisation
This paper aims to provide an awareness of the potential offered by information visualisation techniques, a familiarity with the underlying concepts... |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) |
Usability Engineering
This paper covers the design and evaluation of interactive computer systems with a focus on user studies. Topics covered include: designing and... |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) |
Graph Theory
An introduction to graph theory and combinatorics, including network optimisation algorithms. |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) |
Extremely Parallel Programming
This paper covers advanced parallel programming for large-scale parallelism. A variety of programming techniques will be covered, with application to... |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) |
Specification Languages and Models
This paper deals with various aspects of modelling systems using advanced best practice methods from the software engineering field. It will... |
15 | 25B (Hamilton) |
An introduction to bioinformatics, open to students majoring in computer science or biology. It includes an overview of molecular biology, genomics... |
15 | No occurrences |
Turing Topics in Computer Science
One or more special topics in computer science, at an advanced level. |
15 | 25X (Hamilton) & 25X (Tauranga) |
Advanced Computational Mathematics
This paper considers computational methods for solving various mathematical problems. |
15 | 25B (Hamilton) |
Programming for Industry
An examination of object-oriented programming and design. Key principles of object-oriented programming: typing, encapsulation, inheritance... |
30 | 25A (Hamilton) & 25C (Hamilton) |
Programming with Web Technologies
An examination of developing web-based applications. Client-side technologies: HTML, CSS and Javascript. Server-side technologies to support dynamic... |
30 | 25A (Hamilton) & 25C (Hamilton) |
Open Source Software Project
Students work in small groups to develop features for existing open-source projects. They engage with the project community, practice code review... |
15 | 25B (Hamilton) |
Programming Tools and Techniques
A paper in programming techniques applicable to a range of research applications in Computer Science. |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) & 25B (Hamilton) |
Programming Project
A paper where research programming techniques are applied to a specific (elective) field in Computer Science. |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) & 25B (Hamilton) |
Report of an Investigation
A directed study involving the design, implementation and testing of the solution to a hardware and/or software engineering problem and production of... |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) & 25A (Tauranga) & 25B (Hamilton) & 25B (Tauranga) |
Research Methods
This paper aims to introduce students to the assumptions underlying the different methodologies and methods for performing research in design and... |
30 | 25A (Hamilton) |
A report on the findings of a theoretical or empirical investigation. |
30 | 25I (Hamilton) & 25X (Hamilton) & 25X (Tauranga) |
A report on the findings of a theoretical or empirical investigation. |
60 | 25X (Hamilton) & 25X (Tauranga) |
Computer Science Thesis
An externally examined piece of written work that reports on the findings of supervised research. |
90 | 25X (Hamilton) |
Computer Science Thesis
An externally examined piece of written work that reports on the findings of supervised research. |
120 | 25X (Hamilton) & 25X (Tauranga) |
Preparing for Internship
This paper will enable learners to develop the key soft and transferable skills and competencies important to be work ready and prepared for the... |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) & 25B (Hamilton) |
Computer Science Internship
This internship enables the development of practical knowledge and hands-on experience through a supervised internship in the IT industry. |
60 | 25A (Block) & 25B (Block) & 25C (Block) & 25X (Block) |
Automated Spatial Analysis using Geographic Information Systems
Automated GIS, using programming or scripts, are extremely powerful compared to the 'point and click' environment, and are the most practical method... |
15 | 25X (Block) |
Applied Geographic Information Systems for Research and Planning
GIS is used widely in a range of industries and government agencies, and graduates competent in GIS are sort after for employment. This paper is... |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) |
Legal Aspects of Cyber Security
This research seminar paper provides an advanced-level examination of critical issues regarding the legal aspects of Cyber Security. Students... |
30 | 25A (Online) |
Recognition of Prior Learning - Professional Learning in an ICT Setting
This paper allows students to submit a current CV for assessment for recognition of prior learning undertaken in a professional ICT setting, along... |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) & 25B (Hamilton) |
Code and paper title | Points | |
Computer Science MPhil Thesis
120 | 25I (Hamilton) & 25X (Hamilton) & 25X (Tauranga) |
Code and paper title | Points | |
Computer Science PhD Thesis
120 | 25I (Hamilton) & 25J (Hamilton) & 25K (Hamilton) & 25X (Hamilton) & 25X (Tauranga) |
Computer Science Creative Practice PhD Thesis
120 | 25I (Hamilton) & 25J (Hamilton) & 25K (Hamilton) & 25X (Hamilton) |
COMPX101 Introduction to Programming
This paper introduces computer programming in C# - the exciting challenge of creating software and designing artificial worlds within the computer...
Points 15COMPX102 Object-Oriented ProgrammingThis paper builds on introductory programming experience, and assumes a knowledge of basic programming techniques, which it expands on particularly...
Points 15COMPX151 Exploring Innovative TechnologiesThis laboratory-based paper introduces a range of innovative technologies with applications across all disciplines. The hands-on laboratory programme...
Points 15COMPX161 Introduction to the WebThis paper introduces the core Web technologies of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Students will learn how to combine these technologies with design...
Points 15COMPX171 Introduction to Digital Professional SkillsThis paper centres on Digital Professional Skills essential to succeed in a Digital and ICT Career. In this paper, students will be introduced to...
Points 15CSMAX170 Foundations in Computing and Mathematical SciencesThe objective of this paper is to provide students with the academic foundations for computing and mathematical sciences. The paper will cover the...
Points 15CSMAX175 Introduction to Cyber SecurityThis paper provides an introduction to Cyber Security through the exploration of concepts such as digital information, digital identities, digital...
Points 15DATAX111 Statistics for ScienceAn introductory paper in statistics that uses Microsoft Excel. Topics include the collection and presentation of data, hypothesis testing, confidence...
Points 15DATAX121 Introduction to Statistical MethodsAn introductory paper in statistics that uses R. Topics include the collection and presentation of data, hypothesis testing, confidence intervals...
Points 15DIGIB101 The World of Digital BusinessInformation and communications technologies are fundamentally changing business operations. This paper introduces all aspects associated with the...
Points 15DSIGN125 Introduction to Communication Design ProductionThis paper enables students to perform basic computing operations and to operate software packages for the manipulation of visual images and text for...
Points 15ENGEN103 Engineering ComputingThis paper introduces computer programming in languages such as the MATLAB and Python languages. It provides the basis for the programming skills...
Points 15ENGEN111 Electricity for EngineersConcepts underlying electricity such as current, voltage and power will be introduced, and apply these concepts to analyse electrical energy systems.
Points 15INDIP101 English for Academic PurposesThis module is part of a suite of four modules designed to develop English language skills for academic purposes as well as cultivate the study...
Points 0INDIP102 Positive Learning PracticesThis module is part of a suite of four modules designed to develop English language skills for academic purposes as well as cultivate the study...
Points 0INDIP103 Academic Skills and PracticesThis module is part of a suite of four modules designed to develop English language skills for academic purposes as well as cultivate the study...
Points 0INDIP104 Critical ReflectionThis module is part of a suite of modules designed to develop English language skills for academic purposes as well as cultivate the study skills...
Points 0MATHS135 Discrete StructuresAn introduction to a number of the structures of discrete mathematics with wide applicability in areas such as: computer logic, analysis of...
Points 15MATHS165 General MathematicsAn introduction to algebra, calculus, and their applications for students without NCEA Level 3 Mathematics. Students who meet the prerequisites of...
Points 15MATHS168 Preparatory MathematicsThis paper covers basic algebraic concepts, along with an introduction to statistics and calculus. It is intended for those who wish to improve their...
Points 15MGSYS101 Digital Business and Supply Chain ManagementThis paper explores the dual concepts of digital business and supply chain management. The interactive lectures help in developing critical thinking...
Points 15 -
COMPX201 Data Structures and Algorithms
This paper covers object-oriented software development in Java focusing on abstract data types and dynamic data structures, while introducing design...
Points 15COMPX202 Mobile Computing and Software ArchitectureThis paper continues object-oriented software development in Java, but also touching on alternative approaches. It introduces software development...
Points 15COMPX203 Computer SystemsThis paper provides an overview of the operation of computer systems. The central theme is the way in which the hardware and software co-operate to...
Points 15COMPX204 Practical Networking and Cyber SecurityThis paper provides an overview of the technologies and protocols involved in computer communications and cyber security. Practical work includes...
Points 15COMPX216 Artificial IntelligenceThis paper provides an introduction to artificial intelligence, including techniques for knowledge representation and reasoning, searching and...
Points 15COMPX221 Programming for Creative IndustriesA fundamental grounding in object-oriented programming that uses Processing software to creative visual outputs for creative industries.
Points 15COMPX222 Web DevelopmentThis paper provides a broad overview of the principles and technologies used in Web Applications, with practical experience of client-side and...
Points 15COMPX225 Introduction to Databases and Web DevelopmentThis paper provides a broad overview of the principles and technologies used in creating Web Applications, with practical experience of client-side...
Points 15COMPX230 Computer Hardware and MicroprocessorsA study of microprocessors, starting with how to design and realise a microprocessor using a hardware description language, and further, how the...
Points 15COMPX234 Systems and NetworksA study on principles of operating systems and networking and how they are applied to existing systems. It begins with the principles of operating...
Points 15COMPX235 Cybersecurity EngineeringA study of cyber security principles supported by relevant examples and hands-on work to develop cyber security skills.
Points 15COMPX241 Software Engineering Design 1This paper covers object-oriented software development in Java focusing on abstract data types and dynamic data structures, while introducing design...
Points 15COMPX242 Software Engineering Design 2This paper continues object-oriented software development in Java introducing design methodologies in software architecture, detailed design, design...
Points 15COMPX251 Applied Computing Tools 1This paper enables students to widen their experience of computer software using an intensive laboratory programme. Students select from a variety of...
Points 15COMPX252 Applied Computing Tools 2This paper provides an opportunity to explore several software applications in depth. It is based on an intensive laboratory programme, where...
Points 15COMPX271 Introduction to Software Development MethodologiesThis paper focuses on current software development and IT Operations employed to improve software delivery, quality, and efficiency. In this paper...
Points 15COMPX278 Technology and Complex ProblemsThis paper centres on Complex Problem Solving in Context (e.g., within real world scenarios). In this paper, students will learn how to identify...
Points 15COMPX290 Directed StudyA directed study involving the design, implementation and testing of the solution to a hardware and/or software engineering problem and production of...
Points 15CSMAX270 Cultural Perspectives for Computing and Mathematical SciencesThe paper provides students with an understanding of scientific and culture-specific perspectives on issues in computing and mathematical sciences...
Points 15 -
COMPX301 Design and Analysis of Algorithms
This course is for students interested in the art and science of computer programming. It is concerned with advanced data structures and their...
Points 15COMPX304 Advanced Networking and Cyber SecurityAn advanced study of networking, leading to an introduction to cybersecurity. The networking component in the paper provides an in-depth, real-world...
Points 15COMPX307 Principles of Programming LanguagesThe design, implementation and use of programming languages, in particular the use of functional languages to implement imperative languages will be...
Points 15COMPX310 Machine LearningThis paper introduces Machine Learning (ML) which is the science of making predictions. ML algorithms strive to be fast and highly accurate, while...
Points 15COMPX318 Mobile Computing and the Internet of ThingsThis paper teaches how to develop software for mobile devices and its interaction with the Internet of Things
Points 15COMPX322 Advanced Web DevelopmentThis paper covers a range of topics relating to the development of web applications. These include the latest developments in HTML, CSS and...
Points 15COMPX323 Advanced Database ConceptsThis paper provides an introduction to the advanced features of database management systems. Students will learn to use and manipulate advanced...
Points 15COMPX324 User Experience DesignAn introduction to the field of user experience - where students develop skills and techniques for the design and evaluation of interfaces for...
Points 15COMPX326 Computer VisionThis paper provides an introduction to modern computer vision techniques based on deep learning methods.
Points 15COMPX328 Natural Language ProcessingThis paper provides an introduction to modern natural language processing techniques based on deep learning methods.
Points 15COMPX341 Software Engineering MethodsSoftware Engineering is the systematic design, construction, testing and maintenance of software systems. The various processes (and engineering...
Points 15COMPX344 Applied Computational MethodsThis paper explores numerical methods with applications to real world problems. A verity of classes of problems will be introduced, and appropriate...
Points 15COMPX361 Logic and ComputationThe syllabus includes: further development of predicate logic with application to program verification; mathematical induction including structural...
Points 15COMPX367 Computational MathematicsIntroduces numerical methods for solving various mathematical problems.
Points 15COMPX371 Computer Science Work PlacementThis paper provides a full-immersion, authentic work experience that is relevant to a student's study, in a professional workplace.
Points 30COMPX374 Software Engineering Industry ProjectStudents work in small groups to engineer a prototype for a medium-sized software project. Following established software engineering design...
Points 15COMPX390 Directed StudyA directed study involving the design, implementation and testing of the solution to a hardware and/or software engineering problem and production of...
Points 15COMPX397 Work-Integrated Learning Directed StudyStudents carry out an independent work-related project on an approved topic under staff supervision.
Points 15COMPX398 Work-Integrated Learning Directed StudyStudents carry out an independent work-related project on an approved topic under staff supervision.
Points 30CSMAX300 Visual Data CommunicationThis paper focuses on the skills and knowledge for communicating with data. A variety of methods of communicating and presenting data will be covered.
Points 15ENGEE319 Smart Grids and the Internet of ThingsThis paper is concerned with the application of sensors and IoT to modern smart grid electrical power systems including; sensor interfacing, data...
Points 15 -
COMPX508 Malware Analysis
In this paper we will cover the cyber security topic of malware analysis to understand, analyse and detect malicious code. Students will also be...
Points 15COMPX511 Cyber Security OperationsThis paper provides students with theoretical and practical skills to defend organisations against cyberattacks. Students will learn about threat...
Points 15COMPX515 Security for Advanced NetworksA study on Internet security, covering the most relevant attacking and mitigation strategies. Networks have evolved considerably in the last decade...
Points 15COMPX517 Vulnerability Analysis and ExploitationThis paper covers topics related to vulnerability analysis and exploitation. Selected vulnerabilities with a focus on memory corruption will be...
Points 15COMPX518 Cyber SecurityThis paper introduces the key topics in the important field of cyber security. It will cover various aspects of defensive, offensive and preventative...
Points 15COMPX519 Malware Analysis and Penetration TestingThis paper goes through two important aspects of Cyber Security. It first covers the defensive security techniques of malware analysis and then...
Points 15COMPX520 DissertationA directed study investigation and report on an approved project or study topic under the supervision of a lecturer. Students should obtain the...
Points 45COMPX521 Interpretable Machine LearningThis paper exposes students to algorithms for learning interpretable machine learning models such as decision trees and rule sets and includes...
Points 15COMPX523 Machine Learning for Data StreamsData streams are everywhere, from F1 racing over electricity networks to news feeds. Data stream mining relies on and develops new incremental...
Points 15COMPX525 Deep LearningThis paper provides an introduction into Deep Learning, focussing on both algorithms and applications. It covers both the basics of Neural networks...
Points 15COMPX527 Secure Cloud Application EngineeringSoftware Engineering on the Cloud is extremely prevalent nowadays. In this paper, you will learn how to design, develop and test cloud-native...
Points 15COMPX532 Information VisualisationThis paper aims to provide an awareness of the potential offered by information visualisation techniques, a familiarity with the underlying concepts...
Points 15COMPX539 Usability EngineeringThis paper covers the design and evaluation of interactive computer systems with a focus on user studies. Topics covered include: designing and...
Points 15COMPX546 Graph TheoryAn introduction to graph theory and combinatorics, including network optimisation algorithms.
Points 15COMPX553 Extremely Parallel ProgrammingThis paper covers advanced parallel programming for large-scale parallelism. A variety of programming techniques will be covered, with application to...
Points 15COMPX554 Specification Languages and ModelsThis paper deals with various aspects of modelling systems using advanced best practice methods from the software engineering field. It will...
Points 15COMPX555 BioinformaticsAn introduction to bioinformatics, open to students majoring in computer science or biology. It includes an overview of molecular biology, genomics...
Points 15COMPX560 Turing Topics in Computer ScienceOne or more special topics in computer science, at an advanced level.
Points 15COMPX567 Advanced Computational MathematicsThis paper considers computational methods for solving various mathematical problems.
Points 15COMPX568 Programming for IndustryAn examination of object-oriented programming and design. Key principles of object-oriented programming: typing, encapsulation, inheritance...
Points 30COMPX569 Programming with Web TechnologiesAn examination of developing web-based applications. Client-side technologies: HTML, CSS and Javascript. Server-side technologies to support dynamic...
Points 30COMPX574 Open Source Software ProjectStudents work in small groups to develop features for existing open-source projects. They engage with the project community, practice code review...
Points 15COMPX575 Programming Tools and TechniquesA paper in programming techniques applicable to a range of research applications in Computer Science.
Points 15COMPX576 Programming ProjectA paper where research programming techniques are applied to a specific (elective) field in Computer Science.
Points 15COMPX577 Report of an InvestigationA directed study involving the design, implementation and testing of the solution to a hardware and/or software engineering problem and production of...
Points 15COMPX581 Research MethodsThis paper aims to introduce students to the assumptions underlying the different methodologies and methods for performing research in design and...
Points 30COMPX591 DissertationA report on the findings of a theoretical or empirical investigation.
Points 30COMPX592 DissertationA report on the findings of a theoretical or empirical investigation.
Points 60COMPX593 Computer Science ThesisAn externally examined piece of written work that reports on the findings of supervised research.
Points 90COMPX594 Computer Science ThesisAn externally examined piece of written work that reports on the findings of supervised research.
Points 120CSMAX570 Preparing for InternshipThis paper will enable learners to develop the key soft and transferable skills and competencies important to be work ready and prepared for the...
Points 15CSMAX596 Computer Science InternshipThis internship enables the development of practical knowledge and hands-on experience through a supervised internship in the IT industry.
Points 60GEOGY538 Automated Spatial Analysis using Geographic Information SystemsAutomated GIS, using programming or scripts, are extremely powerful compared to the 'point and click' environment, and are the most practical method...
Points 15GEOGY558 Applied Geographic Information Systems for Research and PlanningGIS is used widely in a range of industries and government agencies, and graduates competent in GIS are sort after for employment. This paper is...
Points 15LEGAL526 Legal Aspects of Cyber SecurityThis research seminar paper provides an advanced-level examination of critical issues regarding the legal aspects of Cyber Security. Students...
Points 30RPLCR570 Recognition of Prior Learning - Professional Learning in an ICT SettingThis paper allows students to submit a current CV for assessment for recognition of prior learning undertaken in a professional ICT setting, along...
Points 15 -
COMPX900 Computer Science PhD ThesisPoints 120COMPX901 Computer Science Creative Practice PhD ThesisPoints 120
2025 Catalogue of Papers information current as of 10 Mar 2025 01:00am