Applied Computing at the University of Waikato gives you the practical technological skills to provide effective business solutions.

Applied Computing is available within the Bachelor of Applied Computing (BAppComp). The qualification regulations define the requirements for the Bachelor of Applied Computing.

Applied Computing was available as a first major for the Bachelor of Science (BSc). Applied Computing was also available as a second major or minor in other undergraduate degrees, subject to the approval of the Division in which the student is enrolled.

To complete Applied Computing as a single major for the BSc, students must gain 135 points from papers listed for Applied Computing, including 105 points above 100 level and 45 points above 200 level. Students must complete: COMPX101 or ENGEN103, COMPX161, COMPX221, COMPX222, COMPX223, DSIGN241, COMPX322 and COMPX324.


There will be no new enrolments in the BSc with a major in Applied Computing in 2021 onwards. Students enrolled in 2020 or previously should consult the Division of STEM for programme advice.

Note on Assessment:

To be eligible to pass these papers, students should normally achieve a minimum grade of D in the internal assessment and the final examination, and an overall grade of C.

Other qualifications

Prescriptions for:

Applied Computing papers

100 Level 200 Level 300 Level 500 Level
Code and paper title Points
COMPX101 Introduction to Programming right arrow

This paper introduces computer programming in C# - the exciting challenge of creating software and designing artificial worlds within the computer...

15 25A (Hamilton) & 25A (Online) & 25B (Hamilton) & 25B (Secondary School - Unistart) & 25X (Hainan University, Haikou China) & 25X (Hangzhou City University, Hangzhou China)
COMPX161 Introduction to the Web right arrow

This paper introduces the core Web technologies of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Students will learn how to combine these technologies with design...

15 25B (Hamilton) & 25I (Hangzhou City University, Hangzhou China) & 25X (Hangzhou City University, Hangzhou China)
CSMAX170 Foundations in Computing and Mathematical Sciences right arrow

The objective of this paper is to provide students with the academic foundations for computing and mathematical sciences. The paper will cover the...

15 No occurrences
ENGEN103 Engineering Computing right arrow

This paper introduces computer programming in languages such as the MATLAB and Python languages. It provides the basis for the programming skills...

15 25A (Hamilton) & 25A (Tauranga) & 25G (Hamilton) & 25X (Hainan University, Haikou China)
MATHS135 Discrete Structures right arrow

An introduction to a number of the structures of discrete mathematics with wide applicability in areas such as: computer logic, analysis of...

15 25B (Hamilton) & 25B (Secondary School - Unistart) & 25B (Tauranga) & 25X (Hainan University, Haikou China)
Code and paper title Points
COMPX221 Programming for Creative Industries right arrow

A fundamental grounding in object-oriented programming that uses Processing software to creative visual outputs for creative industries.

15 25A (Hamilton)
COMPX222 Web Development right arrow

This paper provides a broad overview of the principles and technologies used in Web Applications, with practical experience of client-side and...

15 25X (Hangzhou City University, Hangzhou China)
COMPX251 Applied Computing Tools 1 right arrow

This paper enables students to widen their experience of computer software using an intensive laboratory programme. Students select from a variety of...

15 25A (Hamilton) & 25B (Hamilton) & 25H (Hamilton) & 25X (Hangzhou City University, Hangzhou China)
COMPX252 Applied Computing Tools 2 right arrow

This paper provides an opportunity to explore several software applications in depth. It is based on an intensive laboratory programme, where...

15 25A (Hamilton) & 25B (Hamilton) & 25H (Hamilton)
CSMAX270 Cultural Perspectives for Computing and Mathematical Sciences right arrow

The paper provides students with an understanding of scientific and culture-specific perspectives on issues in computing and mathematical sciences...

15 25B (Hamilton) & 25B (Tauranga)
DSIGN241 Aspects of Web Design right arrow

This paper presents the students with the challenge of designing, developing and publishing content for the World Wide Web, working with content...

15 25A (Hamilton) & 25X (Hangzhou City University, Hangzhou China)
Code and paper title Points
COMPX310 Machine Learning right arrow

This paper introduces Machine Learning (ML) which is the science of making predictions. ML algorithms strive to be fast and highly accurate, while...

15 25B (Hamilton) & 25X (Hainan University, Haikou China)
COMPX322 Advanced Web Development right arrow

This paper covers a range of topics relating to the development of web applications. These include the latest developments in HTML, CSS and...

15 25A (Hamilton) & 25A (Tauranga) & 25X (Hangzhou City University, Hangzhou China)
COMPX323 Advanced Database Concepts right arrow

This paper provides an introduction to the advanced features of database management systems. Students will learn to use and manipulate advanced...

15 25A (Hamilton)
COMPX324 User Experience Design right arrow

An introduction to the field of user experience - where students develop skills and techniques for the design and evaluation of interfaces for...

15 25B (Hamilton) & 25B (Tauranga) & 25X (Hangzhou City University, Hangzhou China)
COMPX390 Directed Study right arrow

A directed study involving the design, implementation and testing of the solution to a hardware and/or software engineering problem and production of...

15 25A (Hamilton) & 25A (Tauranga) & 25B (Hamilton) & 25B (Tauranga) & 25X (Hamilton) & 25X (Tauranga)
Code and paper title Points
COMPX585 Preparation for Research in Computer Science right arrow

A paper about how to plan, conduct and report research in the field of computer science, in which students gain skills in and understanding of...

15 25B (Hamilton)

2025 Catalogue of Papers information current as of 31 Mar 2025 01:00am