Sam Thompson
Bachelor of Design
Bachelor of Computer Graphic Design with Honours, Master of Computer Graphic Design
No two days are the same. Ever. The business of technology is an ever-changing landscape, and it comes with challenges and opportunities. Change is the only constant, and it’s necessary for our growth. Supporting people reach their potential is also immensely rewarding. There's no greater feeling than helping others and watching them grow.
When you're learning graphic design from the ground up, all of the foundational subjects are important. I began to understand this quickly, so enjoyed everything from 3D to Digital Video to Design History. There was a wide spectrum of subjects on offer and I can honestly say I enjoyed them all (with the exception of 3D Animation because it wasn't my strongest subject).
We make software. And software is 'eating the world' as they say. It can be used for good, and as we all know, it can also be used for evil. Thankfully, we're on the right side of history. Even with our latest venture Brill™ we're using voice to make it simpler and more fun for people to digitise their thoughts, ideas and notes. It's fun helping people simplify their lives, because at times, the world is a hectic place. Another aspect of what we do that I really enjoy is creating jobs and opportunities for people to grow. Through good ideas and creating quality digital products, we're able to offer people ways to grow personally and professionally — and that's really satisfying.
The foundational knowledge I received in design has shaped my entire career. It’s as simple as that.
If I had the luxury of time travel, I would go back and learn more about the 'business' side of business. Creativity, design and communication were my focus, but learning the fundamentals of business earlier in my career would have been handy!
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