Current students: submission and examination
Submission and examination process
Find out the steps involved in submitting your doctoral or MPhil thesis for examination as well as a detailed outline of the examination and completion process.

Doctoral life cycle
Learn more about the life cycle of doctoral study — from conditional enrolment through to confirmation of enrolment and the necessities of annual re-enrolment and progress reporting.

Open Access Equity Fund
The University Library has established a new Open Access Equity Fund aimed at supporting those who do not have access to funds to make their research publicly available. The fund allows the Library to contribute to various processing charges.

Postgraduate Researcher Development Programme: late stage
The University of Waikato offers a wide range of training opportunities to support you on your journey as a research scholar. Find out about what workshops we offer to help you communicate your research to grow its impact and your profile.
Forms and guidelines
Additional Papers 60pts in PhD form (181 KB)
Application for confirmed enrolment form (912 KB)
Co-authorship form (29 KB)
Confirmed enrolment presentation guidelines (160 KB)
Doctoral overseas travel form (150 KB)
Guidelines for dual PhDs with overseas universities (206 KB)
Embargo application form (350 KB)
Guidelines for authorship of publications from theses and dissertations (94 KB)
Guidelines for proof-reading of theses (208 KB)
Guidelines for video technology in oral exams (574 KB)
Nomination of examiners (213 KB)
Protocols for oral exam within Māori context (341 KB)
Requirements for PhD with creative practice (162 KB)
Requirements for PhD with publication (150 KB)
Research proposal guide (586 KB)
Submission for completion form — MPhil and Doctorates (135 KB)
Submission for examination form — MPhil and Doctorates (264 KB)
Supervisors' register application form (157 KB)
Visiting postgraduate student guidelines (238 KB)
Whanau information sheet for oral examination (453 KB)