How to Apply

A lot goes into planning your global experience and there are slightly different steps to take depending on which programme you choose.

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Getting Started

Attend a Waikato Global Experiences 101 session

Learn more about the different experiences we offer, what funding is available, and how to start planning your own Global Experience.

B Trimester dates:

• Wednesday 24 July, 1 – 2 PM
• Wednesday 7 August, 1 – 2 PM
• Wednesday 4 September, 1 – 2 PM

Venue: Hamilton Campus - S.1.03

Trimester Exchange

  1. Research your exchange options

    Spend some time in our portal researching which destination you want to go to. Start with the criteria that matters most to you. What are your top interests and goals? Do you imagine yourself in a big city or a natural setting? Filter by subject/area of study, duration, language, and many more to find programmes that suit your academic needs.

  2. Select the universities to list on your application

    In your application, you need to pick 3 partner universities that interest you the most.  Make sure they work for you academically. You will list the 3 universities in order of preference.

    Please note you will be placed at any one of your 3 choices.

  3. Start your application

    Click on the Apply Now button on the programme page of interest. Log in using your University of Waikato login details and start working through your application.

    Make sure you have checked you meet the eligibility requirements first and have checked the application deadlines (below).

    Note: you can start your application at any time and save it in draft until you wish to submit.

  4. Gather and upload materials

    The Global Experiences application is made up of a number of sections. There are some sections that will take more time to complete. If you have any questions, we recommend that you meet with a Global Experiences staff member for assistance.

    Passport Information
    You will be required to upload a scan of your current passport. If you are an NZ permanent resident visa holder, you will also need to include a scan of your visa.

    Host Institution Choice
    This is where you list the three host institutions where you would like to study.

    Course Interests 
    You must list a minimum of five potential courses/papers for each university that you have listed within the 'Host Institution Choice' section. To do this, you will need to research the academic catalogue or class schedule at your host institution and work out which courses would be best suited to your University of Waikato degree.

    Please note: this isn't an official paper selection process and these listed papers are only used internally by the Global Experiences team. It is just to help you plan your Waikato Global Experiences and ensure the best academic fit for you!

    Personal Statement
    You are required to write and upload an approximately 500-word statement that describes who you are, what you hope to achieve from your trimester exchange, your reasons for choosing a particular institution/internship and/or country, your representative capabilities for the University of Waikato and New Zealand, and any other information you wish to include.

    Scholarship Application/s
    If you are eligible for any exchange scholarships, the deadline is the same as the trimester exchange application round. Make sure you apply for the relevant scholarship through MyWaikato, alongside completing and submitting your trimester exchange application.

    You are required to have both an academic and general reference listed in your application. It is important to first ask your contacts if they would be willing to act as a reference and complete a recommendation form for you. Once this is confirmed, you enter their contact details within the application.

  5. Submit your application!

    Trimester Exchange applications are reviewed after the relevant application deadline date.

    An advisor will get in touch with you about what to do next, once your application has been reviewed and processed.

Trimester Exchange application deadlines

Standard Exchange Programme (dependent on borders)

1 July - for an A Trimester exchange in the following year (ie apply by 1 July 2024 for A Semester 2025)

1 January - for a B Trimester exchange in the same year

Late applications may be accepted by some universities. Contact us for details.

Global Internships

  1. Research your internship options

    Spend some time in our portal looking through the available global internships. What matters most to you? Location? Career Field? How long do you want to go for? 4, 6, 8 months? We have a number of internships available all over the world and in almost all sectors.

    Internship application deadlines: Global internship applications have a rolling deadline so you can start the process at any time - however, your application needs to be submitted at least 2 months before the proposed start date of your internship.

  2. Book an appointment with an advisor

    Talk to one of our advisors by making an online appointment. Our advisors will be able to give you more information on what options you have and will also guide you through the application process.

  3. Start your application

    Click on the Apply Now button on the internship programme page of interest. Log in using your University of Waikato login details and start working through your application.

    Note: you must list two destinations and two career fields (both in order of preference).

  4. Submit your application

    After you have submitted your application, our team will review it. If you are accepted into the programme, you will be prompted to complete the specific application process of the internship provider.

    Note: acceptance at this stage does not guarantee your internship location or career field, that is decided by the internship provider after step 6.

  5. Complete the Internship Provider application

    We will direct you to the relevant application process for the internship provider you have been accepted to.

    Note: you will again need to list your two destinations and two career fields (both in order of preference). You will also need to upload a CV.

  6. Schedule and complete an interview

    Completing your interview is the last step in regards to the application process for a global internship. After completing the internship provider application form, you will be invited to either an advising call or a video assessment to help them better understand your aspirations, motivations and goals. Sometimes you may also be required to be interviewed by the host company.

    The interviews are the last stage in the formal application process - afterwards you will be well on your way (with our continued assistance of course!)

Short-term Experiences

Each short-term experience is slightly different, so it is best to read the information on our Short-term Experiences page first. If you still have questions, come to one of our drop-in sessions or email us.

Contact us

Waikato Global Experiences