Cycle to campus

We encourage our students to take sustainable transport options such as cycling to campus through providing them with bike storage and shower facilities at both campuses.


The Hamilton Campus has more than 1300 bike racks on campus, including some in secure storage.

The secure storage can be found beside G block and R block, on the Pā side of I block and on the inner ground level of C block. All student and staff cards have access to these bike storage facilities.

If you have any issues with access, don't hesitate to contact Security on +64 7 838 4444 or

Showers and changing room facilities are also available at various locations around campus.

Find out how and where you can bike around Hamilton safely and easily (Hamilton City Council).


There are more than 40 bike racks available around the campus and under-cover rack in the Bongard Centre basement. The Tauranga City Council has also provided bike racks around the city centre that students can use.

The Tauranga campus also has secure bike storage. Students can request access to be added to their ID card by emailing

We also provide two showers on the ground floor for student use.

Tauranga City Council Cycling Network