Universal Design for Learning UDL
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) helps educators improve outcomes for all learners by acknowledging the mana of all students, reducing barriers to learning and increasing engagement.
The University of Waikato is developing tools and resources that support inclusion for all our students, according to the UNESCO concept of inclusion as ‘presence, participation and achievement’, and our university’s core value, Ko Te Tangata.
The UDL framework enables teachers to anticipate, reduce or eliminate barriers to learning by making the curriculum flexible, ensuring it is designed to account for student diversity without lowering expectations.
UDL has three principles: 1) multiple means of representation, 2) multiple means of expression and action, and 3) multiple means of engagement. These principles provide all individuals with increased opportunities to learn.
The University of Waikato has developed a tool, consisting of self-review questions, which staff can use for integrating principles of UDL into their teaching. For more information, contact Tracey.Morgan@waikato.ac.nz

What is the myth of the average foot, and how do you make a UDL Rubik's cube? Watch the Todd Rose video and find out.