University of Waikato Evaluations
As part of the University's focus on improving teaching and learning, you will be asked to provide feedback about your papers and teachers towards the end of your papers.
Why should you evaluate your papers and teachers?
- You are the best judge - your teacher is an expert in her or his field, but you know whether you understand what you are being taught, and what has helped you to learn.
- You can become an active partner in your own learning process - help develop your papers for the next group of students, or even improve it for your classmates during the semester!
- You can help yourself and other students - lecturers and tutors are interested in what works and what doesn’t, and will change how they teach in response to student opinions. Your paper may have finished, but lecturers will address your concerns the next time it’s taught.
- You can learn useful work skills - learning how to be actively involved in what you are doing, and how to give useful feedback that leads to action, are essential work and life skills.
You said/we did: changes to papers in response to evaluations
If you would like to see the changes made to a paper in response to previous feedback, have a look at current or past papers. University policy requires these changes to be communicated to students via Paper Outlines.
Here are some examples, from a few Paper Outlines. Please note that these are randomly selected examples from individual papers, they don’t apply to all papers in that subject.
- English: changes to the amount of set readings, and how they’re spread over the semester.
- Management: students can now develop the assignment questions in class.
- Mathematics: introduce the use of Panopto video recording of lectures.
- Māori and Pacific Studies: more independent and self-directed study on students' individual interests.
- Engineering: assessment moved to after semester break, to give students more time to learn a software program.
- Computing: a mid-semester assessment was added, rather than having all work due at the end of the paper.
If you have any questions, contact the Evaluations team