The websites below have been identified by our Mathematics and Statistics tutor as suitable to provide you with explanations and examples of statistics in action within the community.

Khan Academy - probability
In addition to short YouTube lectures, the website features practice exercises for educators. Topics on this link are related to statistics and probability

NZ Maths
Professional development resources, and teaching materials that may be useful for new teachers or students - this link is to statistics strands.

The Cambridge Dictionary of Statistics 
(available to University of Waikato students only) If you use statistics and need a useful, up-to-date reliable sourcebook that provides simple definitions and explanations of statistical and statistics-related concepts, then look no further than this dictionary

Statistics New Zealand
A source of New Zealand economic and demographic indicators. Also includes Infoshare, a source of time series economic indicators.

Census at School
A nationwide online survey for Year 5 - 13 students which provides real, relevant data and classroom activities to enhance statistical enquiry across the curriculum.

Student Learning