Track unread messages and Forum Subscription

For students on how to track unread messages and forum subscription

When your paper has one or more forums you may choose to keep track of unread forum posts and/or receive forum posts via email. Keeping track of unread posts within a forum will highlight the number of unread messages.

Forum posts are marked as read when you view the page where the post is displayed on or when Moodle sends a copy of that post via the forum subscription option.

Forum Tracking

Forum Tracking allows you to quickly see which forums in a paper have posts you have not read. Follow this steps to set the forum tracking:

  1. Select Forum Preferences (inc. Announcements), located in the My Moodle box on your dashboard page.

  2. Under Forum Tracking, select Yes: highlight new posts for me from the drop-down menu then select Save changes.

Note: You can also change your preferences for email digest and auto-subscribe on this page.

3. Once the changes are saved, select the forum you would like to track the messages and then select Track unread posts, located in the top left corner of the forum page.

Forum Subscription

Forum Subscription ensures you do not miss out on important messages posted by the lecturer and helps you keep an eye on what is happening in your paper when checking your normal email. Some forums (depending on the settings chosen by your lecturer) will force you to be subscribed, and others will not allow subscriptions.

Your user profile holds your email address, your email digest type, and your forum auto-subscribe default setting although you can change this via the forum view page or forum activities page within your paper(s). Ensure you have updated your profile settings to help manage your forum subscriptions.

  1. Go to the paper page and select the forum you would like to subscribe to.

  2. Select Subscribe to forum, located in the top right-hand corner of the main page of the forum.

Note: The subscription and tracking options will only be available to you if the paper Convenor enabled it. If those options are available, both subscription and tracking can be enabled and disabled individually.