Upcoming events

Please register your interest to take part in any of the following events.

A Semester events

Date Event
Wednesday 4th May

Social Sport League 2 Registrations Close

Inter-Hall E-Sports

Wednesday 11th May Inter-Faculty Volleyball
Friday 13th May Inter-Hall Volleyball
Wednesday 18th May

UTSNZ Volleyball Trial 1

Inter-Faculty Volleyball (Tauranga)

Friday 20th May UTSNZ Volleyball Trial 2
Wednesday 8th June Inter-Faculty Netball
Thursday 9th June UTSNZ Badminton Trial 1
Wednesday 15th June UTSNZ Ultimate Trial 1
Wednesday 22nd June UTSNZ Ultimate Trial 2

B Semester Events

Date Event
Wednesday 13th July

Social Sport League 3 Registrations Close

UTSNZ Futsal Trial 1

Wednesday 20th July

Clubs Day

UTSNZ Basketball Trial 1

Friday 22nd July UTSNZ Futsal Trial 2
Wednesday 27th July

Inter-Faculty Basketball

UTSNZ Basketball Trial 2

Thursday 28th July UTSNZ Netball Trial 1
Friday 29th July Inter-Hall Netball
Wednesday 3rd August

Inter-Faculty Netball (Tauranga)

UTSNZ Basketball Trial 2

Friday 5th August Inter-Hall Badminton
Friday 12th August Inter-Hall Table Tennis
Wednesday 7th September

Social Sport League 4 Registrations Close

Sunday 11th September

Inter-Hall Football

Thursday 15th September

Inter-Hall Ki-o-Rahi

Tuesday 20th September

International Day of University Sport (IDUS)

Wednesday 5th October

Inter-Faculty Dodgeball

Wednesday 19th October

Social Sport Outdoor Registrations Close

Inter-Hall Dodgeball

Wednesday 26th October

Social Sport League 5 Registrations Close