Such equipment is supplied with USB Leads for downloading files – removing the card frequently causes card problems.


  • Equipment on loan is NOT covered by the University Insurance – it is the borrower’s responsibility to ensure that they have suitable insurance coverage.
  • When borrowing equipment, the borrower accepts all responsibility for it while it is in their possession.
  • Borrowers must provide a current address, contact e-mail and phone number and advise any changes.

Caring for the Equipment


  • Leave equipment in vehicles or unsecured storage overnight.
  • Use any equipment in dirty or hostile environments such as beaches, quarries, snow / water or cowsheds.
  • Do not use any equipment in the rain.
  • Use equipment around heavily intoxicated persons or in potentially violent or dangerous situations.
  • Attempt to fix any faults or equipment damage yourself.


  • Return the equipment at the correct time (see policy below).
  • Return the equipment on time.
  • Contact the Library (07 838 4051) if you need to extend the loan.
  • Notify us of any damage or faulty equipment as soon as possible.
  • Treat all equipment carefully, paying attention to handling and storage.
  • Re-pack equipment properly, including rolling cables tidily. Remember leads, power supplies, lens caps and batteries. Remove any tapes and clear media cards.

Loan Policies


  • When demand is high, loan periods may be restricted to less than one week
  • Equipment availability is subject to demand, and we reserve the right to recall any equipment at any time.
  • Loan periods are generally 7 days unless otherwise specified. See "Max Loan Period" at time of booking.
  • Late collections may result in bookings being cancelled.
  • Equipment must be returned during Library opening hours and handed directly to a staff member. 
  • You can be fined for late returns of recalled equipment.

Cameras and accessories

  • When demand is high, loan periods may be restricted to less than one week
  • General max loan period: 1 week (7 days)
  • Equipment availability is subject to demand.
  • Late collections may result in bookings being canceled.
  • Cameras and accessory equipment may be recalled at any time by other users.
  • Please inform us as soon as possible of any fault with the equipment
  • Please use our gear safely and responsibly

Dictaphones and transcribers

  • When demand is high, loan periods may be restricted to less than one week
  • General max loan period: 1 week (7 days)
  • All equipment must be returned by the due date.
  • All equipment is subject to recall by other users.
  • Damaged or lost equipment will be charged for.

SDHC Memory Cards

The following equipment is supplied with SDHC memory cards already installed:

  • Canon DSLR cameras
  • HandyCam Video Cameras
  • Tascam Audio recorders

No SD Cards are supplied with HD Video cameras (AC90 and HMC152) as users are responsible for their own media.