Set up Zoom in Moodle

For staff on how to set up a Zoom session in a Moodle paper.

Before you schedule a Zoom session in Moodle:

  • Download Zoom on the computer/device that you will use to host your session.
  • Log in to your University Zoom account at least once to enable it.
  • See this Zoom installation guide (staff login required).

Set up the Zoom meeting

  1. Go to your Moodle paper and toggle Edit mode on at the top right of the page.
  2. Select Add an activity or resource at the bottom of the relevant week or topic.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the popup menu and select Zoom meeting.
  4. Add a Title for your session. It is a good idea to include details such as the day, time, and type of Zoom session in the Title. 
  5. By default, new Zoom meetings are set up as Recurring and with No Fixed Time. We recommend that you keep these settings for all meetings that will happen more than once. See Recurring Meetings on this page for more information.
  6. If you wish to set When a session will happen and the Duration, first untick 'This is a recurring meeting'.

  7. Passcode is required and is automatically generated. You can change it if you wish.
  8. If you wish to add one or more Alternative Hosts, enter their emails in the format: staff or student To add several people, separate the email addresses with commas, leaving no spaces.
  9. Scroll down and select Save and display or Save and return to paper.

Note: You can Restrict access to Zoom meetings in Moodle to one or more paper Participants as with any Moodle activity.

Recurring meetings (e.g. lectures)


  • By default, Recurrence for new Zoom meetings is now set to No Fixed time. If you have imported a Zoom meeting from another paper and you are setting up a recurring meeting, we recommend that you change this to match the default.
  • You may find it easier to delete the imported meeting and set up a new one.
  1. In your Moodle paper, select the Zoom meeting Title, then the Settings tab.
  2. Open the Schedule section, and change the Recurrence to No Fixed Time in the drop down menu.

Edit settings

You can edit the settings of a Moodle Zoom meeting before you start any session. 

  1. Select the Zoom meeting Title.
  2. Select the Settings tab.
  3. Make your changes, then scroll down and select Save and display or Save and return to paper.

Start or join meetings

  1. To have Hosting rights, including the ability to Record a session, you as the Host and any Alternative Hosts first need to log in to your University of Waikato Zoom account. Select Useful links in the black bar at the top of any Moodle page, then select Zoom. After the Zoom screen finishes loading, you can close it.

  2. All the Participants in a Moodle paper can join the Zoom meetings by going to Moodle and selecting the meeting Title.

  3. Select Start Meeting to begin a session. 

Note: If this button says Join Meeting rather than Start Meeting, you are not signed in to Zoom as a Host. See step 1 for how to log in, then follow steps 2 and 3 again.