You can restrict student access to Activities and Resources based on a number of criteria, including user profile details, group membership, date and time, grade, and activity completion.

Please let us knowif there are other step-by-step instructions you would like us to create. Alternatively, you can attend one of CeTTL's Ask Me Anything (AMA) Zoom sessions for assistance.

How to add a restriction

1. At the top right of your Moodle paper, select the Edit mode to toggle on.

2. Scroll to the Activity or Resource that you want to restrict, then select the three vertical dots to the right of the activity.

3. From the drop-down menu, select Edit settings.

4. Scroll down and select Restrict access to expand the tab.

5. Select Add restriction...

6. The image below shows the options you can restrict by. For this guide, we selected Date.

7. Alter the criteria as required.

In this example, the drop-down options has been used to restrict access to only to students accessing the activity from 9 October 2023 at 00:00. Or you could select, for example, Student must not match the following or until 9 October 2023 at 00:00.

You can select the eye icon to change whether the activity is visible to students if they do not meet the access criteria. When set to hidden, the icon will appear as an eye with a diagonal line crossing through it.

8. You can have more than one set of restrictions. Select Add restriction... again to add more.  

Using multiple restrictions can be complex. Please feel free to contact us if you would like to discuss your criteria.

9. Finally, scroll down and select Save and return to paper or Save and display.

Moodle and Panopto are unavailable every Thursday 7:00 am – 7:30 am.