Plagiarism at Waikato means using others' work as your own. Learn how to avoid plagiarism by understanding what it is, including copying and improper citations to maintain academic integrity.
PLAGIARISM means presenting as one's own work the work of another, and includes the copying or paraphrasing of another person's work in an assessment item without acknowledging it as the other person's work through full and accurate referencing; it applies to assessment presented through a written, spoken, electronic, broadcasting, visual, performance or other medium. (Assessment Regulations, University of Waikato Calendar)
Academic integrity requires that all assessment items are your own work or are properly sourced. Therefore the University has strict rules about "plagiarism", the correct acknowledgement and referencing of the sources of the content of assignments (such as books, articles, lectures, readings and the internet), and the use of other students' work.
- Copying text word for word from any printed or electronic source such as a website, book or journal article without correct acknowledgment and citation of the source;
- Paraphrasing or summarising the text without correct acknowledgment and citation of the source;
- Copying images, sounds, tables, graphics, research results, computer programmes, statistical data, ideas, concepts without correct acknowledgment and citation of the source;
- Using information from a website without providing the URL or name of the website in the text of your assignment.
- Copying all or part of someone else’s internal assignment;
- Having someone else to do all or part of an assessment item for you, including paying another person to do your assignment.
Students are permitted to discuss their assignment topics with other people and to have someone read their assignment to correct the grammar or spelling. When students have their assignments proof read and edited, this must be limited to grammar, spelling and style; it must not include new content although the need for new content can be indicated. If another person provides content this content must be acknowledged with full and accurate referencing of the source.
Third parties should not complete part or all of you assignment. Third parties include but are not limited to friends, family, University staff, and professionals. Third parties may or may not be paid.
A grade for an assessment item is only given once. Therefore, unless the lecturer gives permission, you must not re-use material from a previously marked assessment item. This applies even if the assessment item received a fail grade and you are repeating the same paper. You can ask your lecturer for permission to re-use assignments or parts of the assignment.
Buying or otherwise acquiring essays, answers or ideas and using them in assessment items is prohibited. This is regardless if it paid or not paid. You can not buy an assignment, including from an internet service or a social messaging service (such as WeChat). You can not ask someone else to produce your assignment and submitting it as your own.
Assignments are to be completed independently, unless the assignment instructions permit group or team work. The work you submit should always be all your own work unless your lecturer or tutor has specifically assigned the work as a group assignment. You are encouraged to use a study group to learn concepts and practice answers but the final assignment must be completed independently, reflecting your own knowledge and understanding, with all sources of information fully acknowledged. However, you may not submit someone else’s work as your own; you need to write the assessment yourself.