When you study at the University of Waikato you will be in an environment where the creation of knowledge is valued for itself and where you will be stimulated to become a critical thinker, and a productive and ethical citizen (University of Waikato Charter).

You will learn primarily to be an independent thinker, someone who is able think about important questions and who tries to answer them; someone who is not afraid to ask these questions and to search for the answers. You will learn an extensive range of skills and tools to enable you to be an accomplished learner, thinker and researcher. All these factors require academic integrity, high standards of honesty and personal conduct underpinned by respect and trust between all members of the university community.

If you are enrolled in a programme of study that is externally accredited, such as Law, Teaching, Accountancy or Social Work, you will be required to show that you are of good character. If you have any findings of misconduct for breaches of University Regulations you will be required to declare these.

Discipline procedures at the University conform to the principles of natural justice to safeguard the rights of students and staff. This means students and complainants have the right to all evidence related to the complaint and to have that evidence considered by an impartial and unbiased person or persons.

If you have any further questions you can contact the Academic Integrity Advisor on academic.integrity@waikato.ac.nz

Contact us

Physical address

The Student Discipline Manager
N Block (Law) N 2.10, Gate 7, Hillcrest Road, Hamilton
Office hours - Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.00pm

Postal address

Student Discipline Committee
Academic Office, University of Waikato, Private Bag 3105, Hamilton 3240, New Zealand